امازون السعودية
عرض 193–216 من أصل 10760 نتيجة
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابس
Daisy Dreamer Girls Thermal Set Long Sleeve Top & Pants Sets Warm Winter Tops Pant Bottoms for Children
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابسDaisy Dreamer Girls Thermal Set Long Sleeve Top & Pants Sets Warm Winter Tops Pant Bottoms for Children
شراء Daisy Dreamer Girls Thermal Set Long Sleeve Top & Pants Sets Warm Winter Tops Pant Bottoms for Children اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Daisy Dreamer Girls Thermal Set Long Sleeve Top & Pants Sets Warm Winter Tops Pant Bottoms for Children
Girls thermal underwear base layers with a soft brushed inner made from an advanced insulating yarn giving them high performance insulation.
Comfort Fit, the ribbed construction shapes to the contours of the body. The Tops are also side seam free for extra comfort.
أبعاد الشحنة : 24,2 x 21,6 x 4,2 سم; 230 جرام
تاريخ توفر أول منتج : 2023 يوليو 6
الشركة المصنعة : RZK TEXTILES
القسم : البناتSKU: n/a -
ألعاب الفيديو, الألعاب, بلايستشن
Dead Island 2 PULP Edition-PS5- GCAM
ينتشر فيروس قاتل في جميع أنحاء لوس أنجلوس، مما يحول سكانه إلى زومبي مفترس. المدينة في الحجر الصحي وتراجع الجيش. إذا تعرضت للعض أو العدوى ولكنها أكثر من مجرد مناعة، فأنت تتعلم تسخير الزومبي بالداخل. أنت وحفنة من المتسكعين الآخرين الذين يصادف أنهم يقاومون مسببات الأمراض، تحمل مستقبل لوس أنجلوس (والإنسانية) في التوازن. عندما تكتشف الحقيقة وراء تفشي المرض، ستكتشف من أنت – أو ماذا – أنت. انجو وتطور وأنقذ العالم – مجرد يوم آخر في لوس أنجلوس! عادت ملحمة الزومبي المحبوبة للغاية بتركيبة فريدة من الرعب والفكاهة المظلمة وفوق قتل الزومبي الذي يمتد عبر مغامرة لب ملحمية. ديد ايلاند 2 هي لعبة تقمص أدوار مثيرة من منظور الشخص الأول تأخذ اللاعبين عبر ساحة لعب جديدة تمامًا. أنيقة ونابضة بالحياة ومغمورة بعدوى الزومبي، استكشف لوس أنجلوس الأيقونية الغارقة. تعرف على شخصيات أكبر من الحياة. اقتل عددًا لا يحصى من الأعداء بتفاصيل دموية رائعة. وتطور لتصبح قاتل الزومبي المثالي. أراك في هيل-ايه! يتضمن إصدار اللب: حزمة أسلحة اللب: مطرقة زلاجة “هوم ريكر” The ‘Eye Opener’ Pitchfork
أبعاد الشحنة : 17 x 13,5 x 1,5 سم; 80 جرام
تاريخ الإصدار : 2023 أبريل 21
ASIN : B0BZQD7P9Mاستكشف هيل-ايه – تأخذ جزيرة ديد 2 اللاعبين عبر المواقع الأكثر شهرة في مدينة الملائكة، الملطخة الآن بالرعب، في رحلة مثيرة من ضواحي بيفرلي هيلز الخضراء إلى ممشى شاطئ فينيسيا الغريب.
غزو الزومبي – هل أنت مستعد لتجربة نظام التقطيع الأكثر تقدمًا في الألعاب؟ تزحف لوس أنجلوس الخاصة بنا مع الزومبي التي تبدو وتتفاعل بشكل واقعي. هؤلاء البؤس المتحور هم القلب الفاسد المتجدد لجزيرة ديد ايلاند 2 مع العشرات من أنواع الزومبي المميزة، ولكل منها طفراته وهجماته ومئات المتغيرات المرئية التي تحمل طابع لوس أنجلوس. وحوشنا لا هوادة فيها وتحديات حقيقية من لوس أنجلينوس. هل ستكون قادرًا على النجاة؟
مغامرة تعاونية سينمائية – كتجربة لعب تقمص أدوار مناسبة، تقدم ديد ايلاند 2 الكثير من المهام المثيرة ومجموعة شخصيات مجنونة وقصة لب مثيرة، لتغمرك حقًا في عالمها الملتوي. إمكانية إعادة اللعب مضمونة. أضف وضع تعاوني فائق لما يصل إلى ثلاثة لاعبين، وستبقى في لوس أنجلوس لرحلة طويلة جدًا (وجوهرية).SKU: n/a -
ألعاب الفيديو, اكسبوكس, منصات الألعاب
Deal4GO (NEW) Button Daughter Board USB-C Charging port Second TOP Mainboard replacement for Xbox Series X S Wireless Controller 1914
ألعاب الفيديو, اكسبوكس, منصات الألعابDeal4GO (NEW) Button Daughter Board USB-C Charging port Second TOP Mainboard replacement for Xbox Series X S Wireless Controller 1914
شراء Deal4GO (NEW) Button Daughter Board USB-C Charging port Second TOP Mainboard replacement for Xbox Series X S Wireless Controller 1914 اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Deal4GO (NEW) Button Daughter Board USB-C Charging port Second TOP Mainboard replacement for Xbox Series X S Wireless Controller 1914
هذه اللوحة عبارة عن لوحة إضافية (علوية) تتضمن أزرار التحكم والبطاريات، ومنفذ طاقة USB-C لوحدات التحكم XB سلسلة X|S، قد تعمل على إصلاح مشكلات مثل عدم شحن وحدة التحكم الخاصة بك، أحد الأزرار بدون استجابة، عدم التعرف على أي شواحن أو عدم الاتصال مع القاعدة.
إذا لم تتمكن من إعادة وحدة التحكم إلى البائع للإصلاح، أو لا ترغب في دفع سعر الإصلاح المرتفع $$$ للإصلاح، فإن هذا الحل هو توفير المال لك.
متوافق مع أجهزة التحكم اللاسلكية الرسمية XB سلسلة X|S، غير مناسب لأجهزة التحكم اكس بي ون ستاندرد أو اكس بي ون سليم 1708 أو أجهزة التحكم الأخرى.
أرقام الأجزاء الموجودة على اللوحة: M1107089-008، متوافقة مع أرقام أجزاء لوحة الإصدار القديم: M1107089-006
محتويات العلبة:
1 × لوحة طاقة وأزرار جديدة USB-C (أحدث إصدار).ملاحظة: يجب تفكيك وحدة التحكم للتركيب، وهذا سيبطل أي ضمان
أبعاد المنتج : 10 x 7 x 3 سم; 20 جرام
رقم موديل السلعة : M1107089علامة تجارية جديدة وأصلية من مصنع او اي ام الذي لم يتم استخدامه من قبل، هذه أحدث قطع الغيار. (أرقام الأجزاء: M1107089-008، متوافق مع اللوحة القديمة: M1107089-006)
متوافق مع أجهزة التحكم اللاسلكية XBOX Series S & X فقط (الموديل: 1914)، غير مناسب لأجهزة التحكم Xb0x One أو XB Elite.
اللوحة عبارة عن لوحة إضافية (علوية) تتضمن أزرار التحكم والبطاريات ومنفذ طاقة USB-C.
قد يعمل على إصلاح مشكلات مثل عدم شحن وحدة التحكم الخاصة بك، أو أحد الأزرار بدون استجابة، أو عدم التعرف على أي شواحن أو عدم الاتصال مع القاعدة.
سوف تستلم: 1 × لوحة ابنة زر جديدة (أحدث إصدار).
إذا لم تتمكن من العودة إلى البائع أو لا ترغب في دفع سعر الإصلاح المرتفع للإصلاح، فإن هذا الحل هو توفير المال لك.SKU: n/a -
ألعاب الفيديو, اكسبوكس, منصات الألعاب
Deal4GO LB RB Bumpers Shoulder Trigger Button replacement for Xbox Series X & Series S Controller – Retro Pink
ألعاب الفيديو, اكسبوكس, منصات الألعابDeal4GO LB RB Bumpers Shoulder Trigger Button replacement for Xbox Series X & Series S Controller – Retro Pink
شراء Deal4GO LB RB Bumpers Shoulder Trigger Button replacement for Xbox Series X & Series S Controller – Retro Pink اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Deal4GO LB RB Bumpers Shoulder Trigger Button replacement for Xbox Series X & Series S Controller – Retro Pink
يمكن أن تتحطم أزرار ممتص الصدمات LB & RB وتكسر، مما يتسبب في مشاكل في استجابة وشعور أزرار الزناد، واستبدالها هو أفضل طريقة لتشغيل وحدة التحكم وتشغيلها مرة أخرى.
هذا الجزء البديل المتوافق هو بديل مباشر للجزء الأصلي ومستقيم نسبيًا ليناسب حتى مع الحد الأدنى من الخبرة.
متوافق مع:
✔ وحدة تحكم اكس بي سيريز اس (الموديل: 1914)
✔ وحدة تحكم اكس بي سيريز اكس (الموديل: 1914)غير متوافق مع:
وحدة تحكم اكس بي ون (الموديل: 1537)
وحدة تحكم اكس بي ون اس (الموديل: 1708)
وحدة تحكم اكس بي ون اليت سيريز (الموديل: 1698 1697)
وحدة تحكم اكس بي ون اليت سيريز 2 (الموديل: 1797)
أبعاد المنتج : 11,5 x 2 x 1,5 سم; 10 جرام
رقم موديل السلعة : Retro Pinkتأتي كل عبوة مع: 1 × قضيب زر ممتص للصدمات (وردي كلاسيكي)، يكفي لوحدة تحكم واحدة..
هذا الجزء هو بديل مباشر للجزء الأصلي ومستقيم نسبيًا ليناسب حتى مع الحد الأدنى من الخبرة..
كل ممتص للصدمات يتناسب تمامًا مع الجزء الخلفي من وحدة التحكم، استبدل زر الكتف التالف أو المكسور أو المخدوش أو القديم..
متوافق مع أجهزة التحكم اكس بوكس سلسلة اكس وسلسلة اس فقط (موديل 1914)، ولا يناسب وحدة تحكم اكس بي ون اليت 1698، اكس بي ون واكس بي ون اس | اكس 1708..
مثالية لحل مشكلات زر المصد المكسورة الشائعة، يمكن أن تتحطم أزرار باوند و ار بي وتكسر، مما يسبب مشاكل في استجابة الأزرار وشعورها..SKU: n/a -
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابس
DeFacto girls B0674A8 Dress
شراء DeFacto girls B0674A8 Dress اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج DeFacto girls B0674A8 Dress
Product Dimensions : 44.9 x 33.9 x 10.97 cm; 351.82 g
Date First Available : 24 August 2023
Manufacturer : DeFacto
Item model number : B0674A8
Department : girlsSKU: n/a -
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابس
DeFacto Womens B0642AX T-Shirt
شراء DeFacto Womens B0642AX T-Shirt اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج DeFacto Womens B0642AX T-Shirt
Product Dimensions : 44.1 x 32.66 x 6.45 cm; 30 g
Date First Available : 24 August 2023
Manufacturer : DeFacto
Item model number : B0642AX
Department : WomensSKU: n/a -
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابس
DeFacto Womens B0648AX T-Shirt
شراء DeFacto Womens B0648AX T-Shirt اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج DeFacto Womens B0648AX T-Shirt
Package Dimensions : 29.5 x 26.2 x 3.5 cm; 30 g
Date First Available : 24 August 2023
Manufacturer : DeFacto
ASIN : B0C6Q75V51
Item model number : B0648AX
Department : WomensSKU: n/a -
الأزياء, الأزياء النسائية, الملابس
DeFacto Womens B7847AX Modern
شراء DeFacto Womens B7847AX Modern اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج DeFacto Womens B7847AX Modern
Package Dimensions : 31.9 x 18.4 x 7 cm; 260 g
Date First Available : 3 May 2024
Manufacturer : DeFacto
Item model number : B7847AX
Department : WomensSKU: n/a -
ألعاب الفيديو, الألعاب, بلايستشن
يقع القمر في المستقبل القريب المروع، حيث يتم استنفاد الموارد الطبيعية للأرض. صمت مستعمرة قمرية توفر إمدادات حيوية من الطاقة. يتم إرسال رائد فضاء وحيد إلى القمر في مهمة حاسمة لإنقاذ البشرية من الانقراض. هل ستنقذ البشرية أو تنسى في هاوية الفضاء المظلمة؟ العب لعبة تسليم لنا ذا مون التي نالت استحسان النقاد على وحدات التحكم من الجيل التالي لأول مرة. جرب النسخة المعاد تصميمها بالكامل من اللعبة بدقة 4 كيه المذهلة، مع صور من هذا العالم وميزات الجيل التالي التي تضيف مستويات جديدة من الانغماس إلى فيلم الخيال العلمي الملحمي هذا – في الإصدار النهائي من لعبة كيوكين انتراكتيف الحائزة على جوائز.
اللغة : الإنجليزية
أبعاد المنتج : 17 x 13 x 2 سم; 100 جرام
رقم موديل السلعة : DUTM-P5معالجة مشكلات العالم الحقيقي
منظور الشخص الأول والثالث، بما في ذلك قيادة العديد من المركبات
منظر قمر واسع ومفتوح للاستكشاف والاكتشاف
حركة خائفة من الأماكن المغلقة والتشويق
تسلسلات لعب مضادة للجاذبيةSKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i3-1215U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 12GB RAM | 6 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i3-1215U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 12GB RAM | 6 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Inspiron 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i3 6 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 512GB SSD and 12GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Features & Design
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Inspiron 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Inspiron family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 6-core Processor. The 6 cores on the Core i3-1215U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but will boost to 4.4GH
[ Display & Graphics ] This Inspiron 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i3-1215U processor which will use the computer’s 12GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 12GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 1TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 1TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Inspiron 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 1TB SSD and 32GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Features & Design
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Inspiron 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Inspiron family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but will boost to 4.4
[ Display & Graphics ] This Inspiron 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 32GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 32GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 1TB (1000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Inspiron 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 512GB SSD and 16GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Features & Design
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Inspiron 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Inspiron family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but will boost to 4.4
[ Display & Graphics ] This Inspiron 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 16GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 16GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Home
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Inspiron 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 512GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Home
- DELL Inspiron 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 512GB SSD and 8GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Home pre-installed
Features & Design
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Inspiron 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Inspiron family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but will boost to 4.4
[ Display & Graphics ] This Inspiron 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 8GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 8GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.The Home Edition will come with everything you need but you can also upgrade to windows pro from the windows store for $100.
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Inspiron 7425 2-in-1 (2022) | 14″ FHD+ Touch | Core Ryzen 5-256GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | Cores Win 11 Home
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Inspiron 7425 2-in-1 (2022) | 14″ FHD+ Touch | Core Ryzen 5-256GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | Cores Win 11 Home
- Dell Inspiron 7425 2-in-1 14″ Touch Screen Grey
- Ryzen 5 Ryzen 5-5625U
- 256GB SSD Hard Drive & 8GB RAM Memory
- 1920×1200 FHD+ resolution Touch with an integrated Webcam and an integrated graphics chip
- Wireless Wifi & Bluetooth. Windows 11 Home
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 0.62″ 0.70″ (15.7 mm 17.86 mm) 2. Width: 12.36″ (314 mm) 3. Depth: 8.93″ (227.5 mm)Starting Weight: 3.46 lbs. (1.57 kg)
Wifi & BluetoothSKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Latitude 3420 Laptop | 14″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1165G7-512GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | 4 cores @ 4.7 GHz No OS
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Latitude 3420 Laptop | 14″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1165G7-512GB SSD Hard Drive – 8GB RAM | 4 cores @ 4.7 GHz No OS
- Optional uSim card tray
- uSD 3.0 card reader slot
- Audio jack
- USB 2.0
- USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port
- RJ-45 with status LED
- Wedge-shaped lock slot
- Power-in, 4.5mm barrel with status LED
- HDMI 1.4
- USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port PowerShare
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 17.6mm (0.69) | 2. Width: 326mm (12.83) | 3. Depth: 226mm (8.9) | Starting weight: 1.52kg (3.36lb)*
[ INTEL Core i7 Processor ] Released in 2021 The Latitude 3420 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 14″ Latitude 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz anda 11th generation INTEL 4-core Processor. The cores on the Core i7-1165G7 processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 1.2Ghz under low us
[ Display & Graphics ] This Latitude 3420 Laptop comes with a 14″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i7-1165G7 processor which will use the computer’s 8GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 8GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] This configuration does not come with any operating system.
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated. [ PORTS & SLOTS ] Optional uSim card tray | uSD 3.0 card reader slot | Audio jack | USB 2.0 | USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port | RJ-45 with status LED | Wedge-shaped lock slot | Power-in, 4.5mm barrel with status LED | HDMI 1.4 | USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A port PowerShare |SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Latitude 3440 Laptop (2023) | 14″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 256GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Latitude 3440 Laptop (2023) | 14″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 256GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Latitude 3440 Laptop with a 14″ Screen in Black color with an integrated webcam
- INTEL i7 10 Core Processor 3.7GHz (3.7GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 256GB SSD and 16GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with an 1920×1080 FHD Resolution Screen with a with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Depth: 8.60 in. (219.4 mm)2. Width: 12.70 in. (322.2 mm)3. Height (rear): 0.73 in. (18.6 mm)3. Height (front): 0.66 in. (16.8 mm)Starting weight: 3.42 lbs. (1.54 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2023 The Latitude 3440 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 14″ Latitude 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz anda 13th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The cores on the Core i7-1355U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.7Ghz under low use but
[ Display & Graphics ] This Latitude 3440 Laptop comes with a 14″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i7-1355U processor which will use the computer’s 16GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 16GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 256GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Latitude 3540 Laptop (2023) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Latitude 3540 Laptop (2023) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro
شراء Dell Latitude 3540 Laptop (2023) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Dell Latitude 3540 Laptop (2023) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i7-1355U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 5 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Latitude 3540 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i7 10 Core Processor 3.7GHz (3.7GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 2TB SSD and 64GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height (front): 0.71 in. (18.1 mm)
Height (rear): 0.80 in. (20.4 mm)
2. Width: 14.1 in. (359.0 mm)
3. Depth: 9.4 in. (239.7 mm)Starting weight: 3.99 lbs. (1.81 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2023 The Latitude 3540 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Latitude 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR5 Memory clocked at a whopping 4800MHz and a 13th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i7-1355U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.7Ghz under low use
[ Display & Graphics ] This Latitude 3540 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i7-1355U processor which will use the computer’s 64GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 64GB DDR5 RAM Running @ 4800MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 2TB (2000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Latitude 5000 5410 Laptop (2020) | 14″ FHD | Core i7-512GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | Cores – 10th Gen CPU Win 10 Home
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Latitude 5000 5410 Laptop (2020) | 14″ FHD | Core i7-512GB SSD Hard Drive – 16GB RAM | Cores – 10th Gen CPU Win 10 Home
ديل المنافذ والفتحات
- درج بطاقة USIM خارجي (اختياري)
- قارئ يو اس دي
- مقبس صوت عالمي
- يو اس بي 3.2 الجيل الأول
- USB 3.2 الجيل الأول مع باور شير
- اتش دي ام اي 1.4 بي
- ار جيه 45
- فتحة قفل على شكل إسفين
- أسطوانة تيار مستمر 7.4 ملم
- USB نوع C 3.2 الجيل الثاني مع توصيل الطاقة ومنفذ عرض
- يو اس بي 3.2 الجيل الأول
الأبعاد والوزن
1. الارتفاع: 0.8 انش/20.26 ملم (أمامي) 0.83 انش/21.18 ملم (خلفي) | 2. العرض: 12.71 بوصة (323.05 ملم) | 3. العمق: 8.50 انش (216 ملم) | الوزن الابتدائي: 3.26 باوند (1.48 كجم)*
Wifi & BluetoothSKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Newest Business Laptop Latitude 3520, 15.6″ FHD Display, Intel i7-1165G7, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Webcam, USB-C, HDMI, Wi-Fi 6, Windows 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Newest Business Laptop Latitude 3520, 15.6″ FHD Display, Intel i7-1165G7, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Webcam, USB-C, HDMI, Wi-Fi 6, Windows 11 Pro
شراء Dell Newest Business Laptop Latitude 3520, 15.6″ FHD Display, Intel i7-1165G7, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Webcam, USB-C, HDMI, Wi-Fi 6, Windows 11 Pro اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Dell Newest Business Laptop Latitude 3520, 15.6″ FHD Display, Intel i7-1165G7, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Webcam, USB-C, HDMI, Wi-Fi 6, Windows 11 Pro
11th Generation Intel Core i7-1165G7 (4 Cores, 8 Threads, 12MB Cache, 2.80 GHz base frequency, up to 4.70 GHz max turbo frequency)
【High Speed RAM And Enormous Space】64GB high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once; 2TB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive allows to fast bootup and data transfer.
【Processor】Intel Core i7-1165G7 (4 Cores, 8 Threads, 12MB Cache, 2.80 GHz base frequency, up to 4.70 GHz max turbo frequency)
【Display】15.6-inch diagonal FHD (1920 x 1080) Anti-Glare Non-Touch Display, 250nits
【Tech Specs】1 x USB 2.0, 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A, 1 x HDMI 1.4, 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 Type-C port with DisplayPort Alt mode, 1 x Headphone/Microphone Combo Jack, 1 x uSD 3.0 Memory Card Reader, 1 x RJ-45 with Status LED, 1 x Power adapter port, Wi-Fi 6 + Bluetooth 5.2
【Operating System】Windows 11 Pro – Get all the features of Windows 11 Home operating system plus enterprise-grade security, powerful management tools like single sign-on, and enhanced productivity with remote desktop and CortanaSKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Vostro 3000 3510 Laptop (2021) | 15.6″ HD | Core i3-1TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | Cores – 11th Gen CPU Win 11 Home
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Vostro 3000 3510 Laptop (2021) | 15.6″ HD | Core i3-1TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | Cores – 11th Gen CPU Win 11 Home
Dell Ports & Bays
- SD Card Reader
- USB 2.0
- RJ-45
- Headset Jack*
- Wedge Lock Slot
- Power socket
- HDMI x 1.4
- USB 3.2 Gen 1
Dimensions and Weight
1. Height (front): 1.8 cm. (17.5mm) Height (Rear): 1.8cm (18.9mm) | 2. Width: (358mm) | 3. Depth: 23.5 cm (235 mm) | Minimum weight: 1.7 kg (1.7 kg) *
Wi-Fi and BluetoothSKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 32GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Vostro 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 2TB SSD and 32GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 0.67″ 0.88″ (16.96 mm 22.47 mm)2. Width: 14.11″ (358.50 mm)3. Depth: 9.27″ (235.56 mm)Starting weight: 3.65 lbs. (1.66 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Vostro 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Vostro 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but
[ Display & Graphics ] This Vostro 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 32GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 32GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 2TB (2000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 48GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 48GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Vostro 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 2TB SSD and 48GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 0.67″ 0.88″ (16.96 mm 22.47 mm)2. Width: 14.11″ (358.50 mm)3. Depth: 9.27″ (235.56 mm)Starting weight: 3.65 lbs. (1.66 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Vostro 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Vostro 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but
[ Display & Graphics ] This Vostro 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 48GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 48GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 2TB (2000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Home
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 2TB SSD Hard Drive – 64GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Home
- DELL Vostro 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 2TB SSD and 64GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Home pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 0.67″ 0.88″ (16.96 mm 22.47 mm)2. Width: 14.11″ (358.50 mm)3. Depth: 9.27″ (235.56 mm)Starting weight: 3.65 lbs. (1.66 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Vostro 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Vostro 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but
[ Display & Graphics ] This Vostro 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 64GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 64GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 2TB (2000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.The Home Edition will come with everything you need but you can also upgrade to windows pro from the windows store for $100.
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a -
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توبات
Dell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 4TB SSD Hard Drive – 48GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
أجهزة الكمبيوتر, لاب توباتDell Vostro 3520 Laptop (2022) | 15.6″ 1920×1080 FHD | Core i5-1235U – 4TB SSD Hard Drive – 48GB RAM | 10 cores @ 4.4 GHz Win 11 Pro
- DELL Vostro 3520 Laptop with a 15.6″ Screen in Black with an integrated webcamin Black
- INTEL i5 10 Core Processor 3.3GHz (3.3GHz With Turbo Boost)
- Includes a 4TB SSD and 48GB of RAM Memory
- Equipped with with an integrated graphics chip
- Includes Wireless Wifi + Bluetooth And comes with Windows 11 Professional pre-installed
Dimensions & Weight
1. Height: 0.67″ 0.88″ (16.96 mm 22.47 mm)2. Width: 14.11″ (358.50 mm)3. Depth: 9.27″ (235.56 mm)Starting weight: 3.65 lbs. (1.66 kg)
[ Latest And Greatest ] Released in 2022 The Vostro 3520 Laptop is DELL’s latest release in the 15″ Vostro 3000 family. It includes a 1 year warranty with on-site Next Business Day Service and comes with all the latest technology including DDR4 Memory clocked at a whopping 3200MHz and a 12th generation INTEL 10-core Processor. The 10 cores on the Core i5-1235U processor allows for exceptional multitasking. To save power and prolong battery life the processor will run @ 3.3Ghz under low use but
[ Display & Graphics ] This Vostro 3520 Laptop comes with a 15.6″ Non-Touch Screen with (1920×1080) resolution for stunningly clear visuals and a an integrated graphics card built into the INTEL Core i5-1235U processor which will use the computer’s 48GB of RAM for the graphics memory.
[ High Speed RAM And Enormous Space ] The 48GB DDR4 RAM Running @ 3200MHz will let you smoothly run multiple applications and browser tabs all at once and a 4TB (4000GB) PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive will provide fast startup, data transfers, and large file storage!
[ Operating System ] Windows 11 is Microsoft’s latest Operating System released in 2022 and if you want to downgrade to the older windows 10, you can downgrade with an easy download from Microsoft’s website.Windows Pro comes with everything that Windows Home comes with, plus extra features your organization might require like active directory and bitlocker device encryption (normally an $100 upgrade if purchased seperately).
[ Extra Details ] A Wecbam comes integrated. Wifi and Bluetooth come integrated.SKU: n/a