ثلاجات امازون
عرض 25–48 من أصل 933 نتيجة
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
GE مجموعة جنرال اليكتريك WH38X10017، M، معدن
تعمل مجموعة عمود المحرك وناقل الحركة الأصلية عالية الجودة لأجهزة GE الأصلية (WH38X10017) على توصيل المحرك بلوحة الغسيل، وتحول نظام القيادة بين التحريك والدوران. تحتوي مجموعة عمود المحرك وناقل الحركة على فتحات تثبيت جديدة غير ملولبة وتحتاج إلى استخدام براغي ذاتية التثبيت الأصلية لتثبيت مجموعة ناقل الحركة الجديدة. يرجى العلم أنه يوصى بفصل الجهاز عن جميع الأدوات قبل تركيب عمود المحرك ومجموعة ناقل الحركة.
توقف من خلال المُصنِّع : لا
أبعاد المنتج : 20,32 x 127 x 60,96 سم; 907,18 جرام
تاريخ توفر أول منتج : 2012 أغسطس 13
الشركة المصنعة : جي اي
رقم موديل السلعة : WH38X10017إن مجموعة عمود المحرك وناقل الحركة من GE Appliances WH38X10017 هي قطعة أصلية من الشركة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية تم تصميمها وهندستها وفقًا للمواصفات الدقيقة
يعمل عمود محرك وناقل الحركة البديل من GE Appliances على توصيل المحرك بلوحة الغسيل، ويحول نظام القيادة بين التحريك والدوران
GE تحتوي مجموعة عمود محرك وناقل الحركة WH38X10017 من الأجهزة على فتحات تثبيت ناقل الحركة في وضع جديد غير ملولب وتحتاج إلى استخدام براغي ذاتية التثبيت الأصلية لتثبيت مجموعة ناقل الحركة الجديدة
تم تصنيع عمود محرك وناقل الحركة من GE Appliances OEM WH38X10017 من مواد فاخرة لضمان المتانة والملاءمة الدقيقة، تأكد من اتباع التعليمات الواردة في دليل المالك عند تركيب هذا الجزء
قم بإصلاح جهازك بثقة عندما تختار قطع غيار وملحقات GE Appliances الأصليةSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
GSWM6491 غسالة جيباس سعة 18 كيلو، تحميل علوي، ابيض، 18.0 كيلوجرام
- رقم الشركة المصنعة: 6294015503722
- رقم الموديل: GSWM6491
- الرقم التعريفي للمنتج الخارجي: 6294015503722
- السعة: 18 كغم
- العلامة التجارية: جيباس
- الخامة: بلاستيك
- عدد برامج الغسيل: برامج متعددة
- وزن الشحن: 16 كغم
- نوع الرقم التعريفي للمنتج الخارجي: نظام الترقيم الأوروبي للبضائع-13
- نوع التحميل: تعبئة من الأعلى
- اللون: أبيض
الرقم المصنعي : 6294015503722
Model Number : GSWM6491
External Product ID : 6294015503722
السعة : 18 كيلو
العلامة التجارية : جيباس
المادة : بلاستيك
عدد برامج الغسيل : null
وزن الشحن : 16 كغ
نوع معرف المنتج الخارجي : EAN-13
نوع التحميل : تحميل من الاعلىSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
HD7430/90 فيلبس محضرة القهوة، سعة 1.2 لتر، 1000 واط، اسود
شراء HD7430/90 فيلبس محضرة القهوة، سعة 1.2 لتر، 1000 واط، اسود اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج HD7430/90 فيلبس محضرة القهوة، سعة 1.2 لتر، 1000 واط، اسود
HD7430/90 فيلبس محضرة القهوة، سعة 1.2 لتر، 1000 واط، اسوددلائل الميزات إبريق سعة 1,2 لترات لتحضير ما يصل إلى 10 أكواب من القهوة إبريق سعة 1,2 لترات لتحضير ما يصل إلى 10 أكواب من القهوة وضع المحافظة على السخونة لتحضير قهوة ساخنة تدوم طويلاً وضع المحافظة على السخونة لتحضير قهوة ساخنة تدوم طويلاً وظيفة إيقاف التشغيل التلقائي لضمان السلامة وظيفة إيقاف التشغيل التلقائي لضمان السلامة
HD7430/90 فيلبس محضرة القهوة، سعة 1.2 لتر، 1000 واط، اسوددلائل الميزات إبريق سعة 1,2 لترات لتحضير ما يصل إلى 10 أكواب من القهوة إبريق سعة 1,2 لترات لتحضير ما يصل إلى 10 أكواب من القهوة وضع المحافظة على السخونة لتحضير قهوة ساخنة تدوم طويلاً وضع المحافظة على السخونة لتحضير قهوة ساخنة تدوم طويلاً وظيفة إيقاف التشغيل التلقائي لضمان السلامة وظيفة إيقاف التشغيل التلقائي لضمان السلامةمعلومات المنتج اللون: اسود لوحة التحكم: يدوي اسم الماركة: فيلبس نوع المنتج: صانعة قهوة مزايا اخرى بلد الصنع: الصين رقم الموديل: HD7430/90 الرقم التعريفي: HD7430/90 الضمان: سنتينSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Ice Maker, Portable 15kg Ice Cube Machine for Home, 9 Cubes Ready in 8 Mins, 2 Different Sizes of Bullet Ice, Low Noise And Intelligent Touch Control for Home, Kitchen, Office, Party
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتIce Maker, Portable 15kg Ice Cube Machine for Home, 9 Cubes Ready in 8 Mins, 2 Different Sizes of Bullet Ice, Low Noise And Intelligent Touch Control for Home, Kitchen, Office, Party
أبعاد المنتج : 80 x 60 x 50 سم; 8,56 كيلو غرام
تاريخ توفر أول منتج : 2023 سبتمبر 18
الشركة المصنعة : TDOO
مرجع الشركة المصنعة : 6660FGNU-SH-SAFast Ice Maker: Ice maker only takes 8 minutes to make 9 bullet-shaped ice cubes; Fill 1.4L of water into the water tank and can store 60 ice cubes
2 Sizes of Ice Cubes: Ice cube maker has two sizes, suitable for the production of various beverages; Choose the one you need and get ice cubes really quick
Quiet And User Friendly: When making ice cubes, the noise very low, similar to a working refrigerator; The transparent lid allows you to monitor the ice capacity
Intelligent Reminder: When the water is insufficient or the ice basket is full, the sensor automatically and indicator light will turn on to stops producing to prevent overflowing
Easy To Control: The control panel is very easy to operate; Fill the ice maker with water, press the ON button, select the size of the ice cubes wait a moment and ice will come outSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
KD HOME التقليدية تايياكي عموم كعكة على شكل سمكة وافل صانع خبز الفطائر. صانع حلوى سريع وسهل. طهي ما يصل إلى 4 عجينة معجنات. الطبخ المنزلي، أسود، الألومنيوم
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتKD HOME التقليدية تايياكي عموم كعكة على شكل سمكة وافل صانع خبز الفطائر. صانع حلوى سريع وسهل. طهي ما يصل إلى 4 عجينة معجنات. الطبخ المنزلي، أسود، الألومنيوم
ماكينة صنع تاياكي التقليدية من يوتوكسيا
حلوى آسيوية تقليدية
4 فتحات وافل
[آمنة وسهلة]: تحتوي ماكينة صنع الوافل هذه على 4 صواني مصنوعة من مواد عالية الجودة. المقبض غير لاصق والمنتج نفسه مصنوع من مواد غير سامة وآمنة للاستخدام.
[فكرة حلوى مثالية]: اصنع تاياكي ليس فقط باستخدام معجون الفاصوليا الحمراء الحلوة ولكن أيضًا مع زبدة الفول السوداني أو الشوكولاتة أو أي معجون شراب آخر! كن مبدعًا!
[التعليمات]: 1. اخلطي دقيق الكيك 5.5 اونصة وملعقة كبيرة من مسحوق الخبز وبيضة واحدة وحليب 180 مل وسكر 1.4 اونصة و8.8 اونصة من تسوبو-ان. 2. قم بتسخين المقلاة ودهنها بالزيت. 3. املأ نصف المقلاة بالمزيج، وأضف معجون الفاصوليا الحمراء واطهيها. (تأكد من قلب المقلاة لكلا الجانبين!)
[التنظيف]: امسحها بمنشفة مبللة للحصول على الفتات والشحوم، وامسحها مرة أخرى بمنشفة جافة. سريع وبسيط، أليس كذلك؟
[أحضرها إلى أي مكان]: هذا صانع الوجبات الخفيفة الصغير المثالي عندما تذهب للتخييم وبعد ممارسة الرياضة وعندما يكون لديك صحبة، بل إنه خيار رائع للحلوىSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
KNF6111 كريبتون مروحة حائط 16 بوصه، عدد المنافذ: 5، متعدد الالوان، 60.0 واط
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتKNF6111 كريبتون مروحة حائط 16 بوصه، عدد المنافذ: 5، متعدد الالوان، 60.0 واط
مروحة حائط قياس 16 انش
محرك نحاسي عالي الأداء بنسبة 100% هادئ مع صمام كهربائي
3 سرعات
5 شفرات
تصميم متدفق ومتنقل
حماية ذاتية عند التسخين الزائد
يمكنه أن يجتاز اختبار درجة الحرارة الاستوائية
حركة أفقية بزاوية واسعة
تيار متردد 220 – 240 فولت، 50 – 60 هرتز 60 واط
وزن الحزمة : 5
عدد السرعات : 3
مروحة خالية من الشفرات : لا
نوع المروحة : مراوح للجدار
اللون : متعدد الالوان
نوع معرف المنتج الخارجي : EAN-13
مصدر الطاقة : كهرباءSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
MOULINEX Deep Fryer | Super Uno Deep Fryer | 2.2 L Oil | 1.5 kg | Easy-Cleaning Dishwasher-Safe Parts | Non-Stick Bowl | Odor Filtration |Mess-Free Splatter Protection |2 Years Warranty | AM310028
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتMOULINEX Deep Fryer | Super Uno Deep Fryer | 2.2 L Oil | 1.5 kg | Easy-Cleaning Dishwasher-Safe Parts | Non-Stick Bowl | Odor Filtration |Mess-Free Splatter Protection |2 Years Warranty | AM310028
شراء MOULINEX Deep Fryer | Super Uno Deep Fryer | 2.2 L Oil | 1.5 kg | Easy-Cleaning Dishwasher-Safe Parts | Non-Stick Bowl | Odor Filtration |Mess-Free Splatter Protection |2 Years Warranty | AM310028 اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج MOULINEX Deep Fryer | Super Uno Deep Fryer | 2.2 L Oil | 1.5 kg | Easy-Cleaning Dishwasher-Safe Parts | Non-Stick Bowl | Odor Filtration |Mess-Free Splatter Protection |2 Years Warranty | AM310028
For all your favorite fried delights cooked to crispy, golden-brown perfection, the Moulinex Super Uno Access electric deep fryer makes perfect results effortless. The removable non-stick bowl, basket, handle and lid are all dishwasher-safe for maximum convenience, while the removable odor filter ensures less frying smells in the kitchen. This high-performance deep fryer offers generous portions for up to six people, with a capacity of 2.2 L of oil producing up to 1.5 kg of irresistible fried treats. The adjustable thermostat up to 190 °C lets you master all your favorite snacks and side dishes with total ease: perfectly crispy golden-brown fries, buttermilk fried chicken, mozzarella sticks, fritters, sweet potato fries, and so much more.
DISHWASHER-SAFE PARTS: Offering all the pleasure of a deep fryer with none of the hassle, dishwasher-safe removable parts ensure a more convenient frying experience
EASY TO CLEAN: The non-stick bowl makes clean-up easier than ever, with both the bowl and lid removable and dishwasher safe, and the basket with its handle dishwasher safe as well
LARGE CAPACITY: A family-size electric fryer with a capacity of 2.2 L of oil /1.5 kg of food, delivering irresistible fried delights for up to 6 people
ODOR FILTRATION: The long-lasting replaceable carbon filter limits odors during cooking, for delicious flavor but less smell in the house
MESS-FREE DESIGN: The up/down basket handle lets you raise the basket from the oil without lifting the lid, for a mess-free and splatter-free frying experience CONVENIENT FEATURES: Frying is easier than ever with a set of smart features, including a built-in digital timer and a large viewing window to check on the progress of your meal VERSATILE RESULTS: Adjustable temperature up to 190 °C for optimum frying results on all kinds of foods: classic fries, sweet potato fries, fritters, mozzarella sticks and so much more 10 YEARS REPAIRABLESKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Mylindde Electric Gooseneck Kettle, 1000ml Ultra Fast Boiling Hot Water Kettle, Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Automatic Temperature Control and Constant Temperature, 1000W (Black, NEW)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتMylindde Electric Gooseneck Kettle, 1000ml Ultra Fast Boiling Hot Water Kettle, Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Automatic Temperature Control and Constant Temperature, 1000W (Black, NEW)
شراء Mylindde Electric Gooseneck Kettle, 1000ml Ultra Fast Boiling Hot Water Kettle, Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Automatic Temperature Control and Constant Temperature, 1000W (Black, NEW) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Mylindde Electric Gooseneck Kettle, 1000ml Ultra Fast Boiling Hot Water Kettle, Stainless Steel Electric Kettle, Automatic Temperature Control and Constant Temperature, 1000W (Black, NEW)
Product description
【Anti-scalding design】Made of beautiful and durable stainless steel, the coffee pot is durable. The non-slip, anti-scald handles and knobs are made from natural, sustainable wood to protect your hands and make them extremely comfortable to use. Elegant and practical in matt black with a wooden handle. 1000ml capacity, to meet the daily coffee drinking needs.
【Temperature Control】The quick boiling kettle provides temperature control. Temperatures can only be changed 1 degree at a time, up to 100°C/212°F, for complete control and convenience. The pouring kettle also has a hold function that keeps the water temperature constant for five minutes.
【Gooseneck spout】The thin gooseneck spout controls the water flow, high-quality and smooth water flow control. This ensures maximum flavour and aroma extraction every time. Even a novice can become a coffee master. Master the brewing process better and brew great coffee. It’s great for tea and works with different tea variations.
【Non-drip】With the precision-designed non-drip spout, you don’t have to worry about water dripping onto the kettle or work surface, which means a safer experience for all users. A stainless steel kettle is the perfect gift for coffee lovers.
【Easy to Use】Stylish base with easy-to-use power switch and auto-off function for peace of mind. Gooseneck pouring kettle is widely used in stove top, electric, induction, halogen, etc. It is rust-proof, easy to clean and fast to heat.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Nespresso Inissia C Espresso Coffee Machine, Red
شراء Nespresso Inissia C Espresso Coffee Machine, Red اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Nespresso Inissia C Espresso Coffee Machine, Red
Enjoy a cup of flavorsome, delicious hot coffee with the Nespresso Inissia Coffee Machine that comes in an elegant black color. Making coffee has never been easy, as this machine comes with intuitive controls for easy operations; your cup of coffee will be ready in almost no time. The machine has a 25 second preheating time. Physical Features Key Features 19 bar pump 25 second pre-heating time 2 programmable buttons 3kg 0.7L The 0.7L water tank can be easily removed for cleaning and refilling.The powerful 19bar high pressure pump effortlessly brews an ideal shot of coffee. You can make a total of 8 to 11 cups of coffee and share it with all your friends and family. The machine comes with two buttons that enable you to select the size of the serving from espresso or lungo. This machine comes with folding drip tray that makes sure there is no mess in case the coffee spills. You can fold away the tray when using larger cups or mugs. The Innissia automatically shuts down after 9 minutes when idle and consumes less of power when in the power saving mode. Weighing a mere 2.4kg, this machine can be placed effortlessly anywhere in the kitchen. Its small size does not mean it compromises on performance; a perfect cup of coffee is guaranteed every single time.
Automatic and programmable water quantity control for small or large cups
Fast heating: 25 seconds heat up time
19 bar pressure system to draw out the full richness and aroma
Welcome Pack of 14 Nespresso Capsules Individual Flavours for tasting
Ultra-compactSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Nespresso Vertuo Plus Coffee Machine, White
شراء Nespresso Vertuo Plus Coffee Machine, White اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Nespresso Vertuo Plus Coffee Machine, White
Nespresso, introduces the Vertuo Plus coffee machine for the ultimate brewing experience. Offering freshly brewed Coffee with crema as well as delicious, authentic Espresso, the Vertuo Plus machine conveniently makes four cup sizes, the 230ml Mug, 150ml Gran Lungo, 80ml Double Espresso, and 40ml Espresso, all at the touch of a button. It uses three different capsule sizes: large capsule for Coffee, medium for Gran Lungo and Double Espresso, and a small one for Espresso. Nespresso brings together the know-how of all its coffee experts, who have carefully chosen the origin and roasting of each coffee blend and created a new brewing system using Centrifusion technology, a patented extraction technology developed by Nespresso. Just insert a capsule and close the lever — when activated, the capsule spins up to 7,000 rotations per minute, blending ground coffee with water and producing the perfect crema to enjoy quality coffee in larger cup sizes. The machine delivers the optimal in-cup results for each blend using capsule-specific brewing with code reading. Each machine includes a complimentary welcome set with a range of Nespresso Vertuo capsules with unique aroma profiles.
Brews a range of coffee sizes; Large Cup to Espresso
Simple one touch brewing system
Barista style coffee with a rich crema
Fast heat up time of up to 40 seconds
Barcode technology that adjusts brewing settings.12 coffee pod welcome set.Electronic open and closing, with automatic capsule ejection.Works exclusively with Nespresso Vertuo PodsSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتPerfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
شراء Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
Elevate Your Brewing Experience Precise Pouring Design: Experience controlled and precise pouring with the unique gooseneck spout design, enhancing the flavor and aroma of your coffee or tea. Customizable Temperature Settings: Choose from a wide range of temperature settings (113°F to 212°F) to suit your brewing preferences, ensuring optimal results for various beverages. Premium Stainless Steel Construction: Crafted from food-grade 304 stainless steel, this kettle guarantees durability, safety, and easy maintenance. The sleek exterior features volcanic rock spray paint technology for an elegant finish. Advanced Safety Features: Equipped with multiple protection modes, including auto shut-off, dry boiling protection, and protection against electric shock, ensuring a safe and worry-free brewing experience. Efficient Fast Boiling: Powered by a 1000W heating element, this kettle rapidly boils water in just 3-5 minutes, making it ideal for daily use. With a generous 1000ml capacity, it’s perfect for both personal and group brewing sessions. Specifications: Item Type: Pour Coffee Pot Material: 304 stainless steel Power: 1000W Capacity: 1000ml Packing List: 1 x Pour Coffee Maker
Efficient Fast Boiling: Powered by a 1000W heating element, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle rapidly boils water in just 3-5 minutes, offering remarkable efficiency and time-saving convenience. Its generous 1L capacity caters to daily use, making it an indispensable companion for your coffee or tea brewing rituals. For any inquiries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Precise Pouring Design: Crafted with a distinctive gooseneck spout, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle ensures a slow, controlled, and precise flow of water, enhancing the flavor and aroma of your coffee or tea. Perfect for pour-over brewing methods like V60, its ergonomic handle guarantees a firm grip for effortless and precise pouring every time.
Customizable Temperature Settings: With temperature settings ranging from 113°F to 212°F, our kettle offers two adjustment modes, enabling you to select the perfect temperature with ease. Whether brewing delicate white tea or robust coffee, the 24-hour constant temperature function ensures optimal results, accommodating a variety of beverages including milk powder, green tea, and oolong tea.
Premium Stainless Steel Construction: Engineered with food-grade 304 stainless steel, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle promises durability, safety, and easy maintenance. The full-body stainless steel construction, coupled with volcanic rock spray paint technology on the exterior, delivers an elegant and durable finish, making it both aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting.
Advanced Safety Features: Prioritizing your safety, our water kettle is equipped with multiple protection mechanisms. It automatically shuts off when water reaches the desired temperature, preventing dry boiling and ensuring safe operation. Additionally, it features protection against electric shock upon contact, providing peace of mind during use.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Philips 5000 Series Toaster in Black & Copper HD2650/31
شراء Philips 5000 Series Toaster in Black & Copper HD2650/31 اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Philips 5000 Series Toaster in Black & Copper HD2650/31
Fully metal toaster with self-centering extra wide slot for even browning regardless of slice thickness. With various browning options and integrated bun rack, you can enjoy perfectly crispy toast, warm pastries, rolls and buns
Perfectly crispy toast, hand cut or pre-sliced
Wide slot fits thick, thin, fresh or frozen slices
8 browning settings suit any preference
Defrost mode
Reheat modeSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Philips Airfryer 2000 Series – 4.2L, 1500W, Rapid Air Technology, Touchscreen, Cooking Window, Connected to HomeID App, Black – NA220/00
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتPhilips Airfryer 2000 Series – 4.2L, 1500W, Rapid Air Technology, Touchscreen, Cooking Window, Connected to HomeID App, Black – NA220/00
شراء Philips Airfryer 2000 Series – 4.2L, 1500W, Rapid Air Technology, Touchscreen, Cooking Window, Connected to HomeID App, Black – NA220/00 اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Philips Airfryer 2000 Series – 4.2L, 1500W, Rapid Air Technology, Touchscreen, Cooking Window, Connected to HomeID App, Black – NA220/00
Crispy outside, tender inside. Unique RapidAir technology saves time and energy, without compromising on taste. Watch through the cooking window while your favorite ingredients turn into delicious food in under 15 minutes.
4.2 L capacity
RapidAir technology
Touchscreen for effortless control
Cooking window to watch while you cook
13 cooking methods at the touch of a button
Tasty recipes tailored to your Airfryer in our HomeID AppSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
PINREK 2 Pack LV-H132 True HEPA Replacement Filter Compatible with LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier, 3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter, Compared to Part #LV-H132-RF
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتPINREK 2 Pack LV-H132 True HEPA Replacement Filter Compatible with LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier, 3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter, Compared to Part #LV-H132-RF
شراء PINREK 2 Pack LV-H132 True HEPA Replacement Filter Compatible with LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier, 3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter, Compared to Part #LV-H132-RF اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج PINREK 2 Pack LV-H132 True HEPA Replacement Filter Compatible with LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier, 3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter, Compared to Part #LV-H132-RF
2 Pack LV-H132 True HEPA Replacement Filter Compatible with LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier, 3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filter and Activated Carbon Filter, Compared to Part #LV-H132-RF
【Perfect Compatible With Levoit LV-H132】This premium LV-H132 true Hepa replacement filter is specifically designed to fit LEVOIT LV-H132 Air Purifier. Compared to Model: LV-H132-RF. Keep your LV-H132 air purifier at its best working efficiency and capacity, breathing fresher and cleaner air all the time(NOTE: This is not a Levoit OEM product. Any use of the brand name or model designation for this product is made solely for purposes of demonstrating compatibility).
【3-in-1 H13 True HEPA Filtration】Our LV-H132 air filter is made of upgrade H13 True HEPA high filtration efficiency material, which effectively resists at least 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns in the air, such as household dust, pet dander, pollen and smoke. without worrying about second-hand pollution. Provides improved air quality and better health.
【Exceptional Craftsmanship】 Our LV-H132 replacement filter is made of premium non-woven fabric and activated carbon. Adopting advanced technologies, verified by the manufacturer, ensure higher efficiency and maximum performance with less energy consumption and lower density structure.
【Cost-Effective Solution & Easy Replacement】Package includes 2 pack of LV-H132 replacement filter, which help save money for you. The LV-H132 replacement filter should be replaced every 6-12 months depending on the air quality in your area and the use of the Air Purifier to ensure the best results. Our filter is easy to replace, with a simple twist-and-lock system that ensures a secure fit.
【Buy with Confidence】At PINREK, we are committed to providing a simple and seamless shopping experience for large appliance replacement parts. We prioritize the highest quality of parts and offer a 90-day warranty or refund for each customer. If you encounter any quality issues, please contact our dedicated customer service team, and we will promptly work towards finding a solution within 24 hours.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
ProYard Automatic Air Fryer with Touch Control System for Healthy Food Oil Free 8L (White)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتProYard Automatic Air Fryer with Touch Control System for Healthy Food Oil Free 8L (White)
شراء ProYard Automatic Air Fryer with Touch Control System for Healthy Food Oil Free 8L (White) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج ProYard Automatic Air Fryer with Touch Control System for Healthy Food Oil Free 8L (White)
نظام التحكم على باللمس السعة 8 لتر نظام الأمان تلقائي بعد الانتهاء الطهي يتوقف الجهاز توقف على العمل بشكل تلقائي 220-240 فولت 50/60 هرتز هيكل المقلاية مكون من البلاستيك
Touch based control system
Capacity 8L
Automatic safety system after finish cooking stops
Automatically shuts off
220-240V 50/60Hz
Plastic construction
2400 Watt Air FryingSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
QAHWA Siphon Coffee Maker – Glass Tabletop Syphon Pot, Glass Technica Syphon Coffee Maker, Siphon Vacuum Coffee Maker
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتQAHWA Siphon Coffee Maker – Glass Tabletop Syphon Pot, Glass Technica Syphon Coffee Maker, Siphon Vacuum Coffee Maker
شراء QAHWA Siphon Coffee Maker – Glass Tabletop Syphon Pot, Glass Technica Syphon Coffee Maker, Siphon Vacuum Coffee Maker اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج QAHWA Siphon Coffee Maker – Glass Tabletop Syphon Pot, Glass Technica Syphon Coffee Maker, Siphon Vacuum Coffee Maker
Product Introduction Glass parts The upper pot and the lower pot are made of high temperature resistant borosilicate glass, which can withstand the temperature difference of -30℃-180℃, exquisite workmanship, good hand feeling, high transparency and high gloss. Hand- blown, healthy and non-toxic. Adjustable connector Adjustable tightness of the link can enhance the stability and make it safer to use. Stainless steel bracket Hand-held parts are thicker and longer, holding and placing more safely. U-shaped base 304 stainless steel, full of texture, high stability, not easy to slip.
1.【Note】✪ If the product you receive is damaged, flawed, slightly chromatic aberration, etc., please feel free to contact us, we will replace the new product for you free of charge! !
2.【Material】✪ The upper and lower pots of the siphon pot are made of high-temperature resistant borosilicate glass, which can withstand a temperature difference of of -30℃-180℃, high temperature resistance and crack resistance.
3.【Compatible base】✪ Large-angle stainless steel base, good stability, durable, and compatible with a variety of heating equipment, such as: alcohol lamp, halogen beam heater burner, gas stove, etc.
4.【Buffer clamp】✪ Buffer the pressure of the connecting clamp, protect the lower pot from being clamped, prevent slippage and fall, and the tightness of the connecting clamp can be adjusted, which can enhance stability and make it safer to use.
5. 【Tips】✪ Before heating, wipe the lower pot with a dry towel to ensure that there is no water drop on the outside.When inserting the upper pot, push it down tightly to ensure tightness.When pulling up the upper pot, hold the handle of the lower pot with your left hand.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Samsung 9 kg Quick Drive Front Load Washing Machine with Knob Control| Model No WW90T754DBX/YL with 2 Years Warranty
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSamsung 9 kg Quick Drive Front Load Washing Machine with Knob Control| Model No WW90T754DBX/YL with 2 Years Warranty
شراء Samsung 9 kg Quick Drive Front Load Washing Machine with Knob Control| Model No WW90T754DBX/YL with 2 Years Warranty اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Samsung 9 kg Quick Drive Front Load Washing Machine with Knob Control| Model No WW90T754DBX/YL with 2 Years Warranty
Samsung QuickDrive Front Load Washing Machine features the QuickDrive with Q-Bubble technology to create powerful bubbles for efficient detergent penetration. This reduces the washing time by 50 percent and ensures gentle cleaning of delicate fabrics. Additionally, the SuperSpeed function cuts down on rinsing time and accelerates the spin speed to wash the clothes within 39 minutes. The Drum Clean Plus function removes odour-causing bacteria from drum to maintain optimal hygiene. The Add Wash technology lets you add detergent and clothes in between the wash cycles for added convenience. The AI Control technology lets you personalize the wash cycle and let the washing machine determine the required drying setting.
For Installations Call – Riyadh(+966 -11- 4094006 Ext – 113), Jeddah(+966- 12- 6577714)
Dammam(+966-13- 8343691), Qassim(+966 581044198), Abha(+966 593322785)
Wash easily and effectively with powerful AI controlSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Spirfresh AquaWe07 6L Humidifier Ultrasonic Cool Mist with Essential Oil Diffuser, Large Room Humidifier for Bedrooms Baby Nursery Plants, Quiet Operation, 60 Hours Run Time, Easy Top Fill Design
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSpirfresh AquaWe07 6L Humidifier Ultrasonic Cool Mist with Essential Oil Diffuser, Large Room Humidifier for Bedrooms Baby Nursery Plants, Quiet Operation, 60 Hours Run Time, Easy Top Fill Design
شراء Spirfresh AquaWe07 6L Humidifier Ultrasonic Cool Mist with Essential Oil Diffuser, Large Room Humidifier for Bedrooms Baby Nursery Plants, Quiet Operation, 60 Hours Run Time, Easy Top Fill Design اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Spirfresh AquaWe07 6L Humidifier Ultrasonic Cool Mist with Essential Oil Diffuser, Large Room Humidifier for Bedrooms Baby Nursery Plants, Quiet Operation, 60 Hours Run Time, Easy Top Fill Design
Product description
【Powerful & Long-Lasting Humidification】: Designed for large rooms up to 47m², this 6L ultrasonic humidifier delivers consistent moisture for up to 60 hours at the lowest mist setting, creating a balanced atmosphere day and night
【2-in-1 Humidifier with Aromatherapy】: Put your favorite essential oils in the built-in aromatherapy tray for a soothing fragrance that enhances your indoor space while moisturizing the air. Designed for relaxation in any room
【Smart Humidity Control】: Achieve the ideal indoor climate with intelligent humidity settings. The built-in humidistat lets you monitor and adjust moisture levels easily to suit your comfort needs
【Easy Top-Fill Design】: Refilling and cleaning are simple with the top-fill system. Just remove the lid to fill in water and maintain the humidifier with ease, ensuring effortless operation every day
【Ultra Quiet & Safe】: Enjoy a peaceful environment with the ultra-quiet sleep mode. The humidifier operates silently and automatically turns off when the water is low, ensuring safety for you and your familySKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Sumkyle Air Purifier for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSumkyle Air Purifier for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
Air Purifiers for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
【Versatile Room Coverage】Perfect for living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. Covers 32 square meters in just 10 minutes. Ideal for new homes, households with smokers, allergy sufferers, pet owners, families with elderly, children, and pregnant women, as well as poorly ventilated offices.
【4-stage filtration system】Features a washable pre-filter to filter out large particles like lint and fur; a high-efficiency activated carbon filter to filter out toxic fumes and unpleasant odors; and a HEPA filter to capture any size 0.3 micron (μm).
【3 Speed Adjustment Modes】Purification/sleep/automatic modes, combined with three-speed wind speeds of low/medium/high, can better adapt to your life or work environment.The noise level is as low as 33.4 decibels, which will not keep you awake all night.
【Easy to Carry & Use】Extra large clear touch display. You can set the timer for automatic shutdown at any time. Automatically perform air detection and display air volume, temperature, wind speed, etc.
【Large Area Air Outlet】Increasing the air outlet area can quickly and effectively clean the air.Use solid ABS as the body material. It has strong thermal insulation and is very sturdy and durable.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSupvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
شراء Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
Product description
Dual Power Setting
The 1.6L multi cooker electric kettle, featuring dual power settings, offers convenient adjustment for diverse cooking needs. The 350W setting is perfect for making soup, porridge, oatmeal, and boiling eggs, while switching to the high power- 650W setting efficiently boils water for noodles, pasta, dumplings, or hot pot.
Compact Size
The electric multipurpose cooker hot pot is a versatile kitchen essential, replacing multiple gadgets to simplify weekday cooking. From hassle-free meal prep with rice cookers to swift food preparation at the office, this widely used electric multi cooker adapts seamlessly.
Dual Power Safety
The rice cooker with steamer features advanced safety measures, including overheating and boil dry protection, automatically shutting off when the temperature exceeds the set limit or when there’s insufficient water inside the multipurpose electric cooker.
【DUAL POWER SETTING】The new model of multi cooker electric kettle 1.6L, equipped with the dual power setting (350W & 650W), mini electric cooker is convenient for adjusting to satisfy your needs. Rice cooker electric with the 350W power setting can make soup, porridge, oatmeal and boil eggs. Electric cooking pot for cooking noodles, pasta, dumplings or having hot pot, you can switch electric pot to high power(650W)setting to boil the water faster.
【PORTABLE SIZE YOUR TRAVEL COMPANION】The electric multipurpose cooker hot pot can replace a variety of common kitchen gadgets and transform your weekday cooking, rice cookers making meal prep hassle-free. Electric multi cooker with widely used. Bringing small cooker for baby food to your office on weekday to prepare your food rapidly. Mini cooker for kids for people who love traveling and camping can use this electric hot to cook with local ingredients or prepare a meal suit your diet.
【FOOD-GRADE INNER POT WITH EATING HEALTHY】The interior of electrical cooker is made of durable food-grade stainless steel and the cover of thermal cooker is made of thickening tempered plastic, ensuring theres no contamination to your food, caring your health. The double-wall design of multi cooker kettle can avoid slip and you can be rest assured to hold cooking kettle without being scalded.
【DUAL SAFETY FEATURES】Rice cooker with steamer equipped with overheating protection and boil dry protection technology, the multipurpose electric cooker will shut itself off when the temperature is over the selected value or theres no water inside the multicooker electric cooker.
【MULTI COOKER KETTLE SAVE YOUR TIME】Cooking pot with lid is perfect cooking pot for making a quick and healthy meal for yourself, kids, families. Electric hot pot with cup handle design, after finishing the cook, you can just use the small electric cooker as a bowl. This multi purpose electric cooker saving the hassel of cleaning dishes, suitable for students, office worker, anyone who is enjoying the single life.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتTbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
شراء Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
1. Adopts stainless steel, strong and sharp, safe and durable to use.
2. All surfaces are non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly.
3. Easy and convenient to install.
4. Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
5. Perfect cutter so you can get minced meat quickly.Specification:
Made of stainless steel, strong and sharp, safe and durable to use.
All surfaces are non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly.
Easy and convenient installation.
Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
Perfect cutter so you can get minced meat quickly.
Material: stainless steel.
Colour: silver.
L: 54 x 54 x 5 mm / 2.1 x 2.1 x 0.2 inches (approx.). S: 46 x 46 x 5 mm / 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.2 inches (approx.) Pore Diameter: 8.2-8.3mm/0.32-0.33″ (Approx.)
Package includes:
1 x meat cutter.
Please keep the sharp blades away from children.
Superior Durability Our meat slicer for meat bow is made of high quality stainless steel made of stainless steel, ensuring the strength and sharpness.
Non-toxic and environmentally friendly surfaces: all surfaces used in our cutting blade stainless steel knife cutter replacement are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It is designed for easy and convenient installation.
EFFORTLESS CLEANING & DISHWASHER SAFE Cleaning up after using our meat slicer is a breeze. It is easy to clean and can be safely placed in the dishwasher.
FAST MEAT REDUCTION Our meat grinder knife blade cutter is the perfect tool that allows you to quickly and efficiently reach chopped meat.
Sale Guarantee:We will strictly undergo before delivery. If you have any problems for this meat grinder plate blade, please contact us at any time. We will answer you and offer you a satisfaction solution.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Techno Best Kitchen Stand Mixer Machine, 1100W Power, 8L Large Capacity, Stainless Steel Bowl, 6 Speed Settings plus Pulse for Perfect Baking Results, Easy Mixing & Kneading/Black/BKM-08L
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتTechno Best Kitchen Stand Mixer Machine, 1100W Power, 8L Large Capacity, Stainless Steel Bowl, 6 Speed Settings plus Pulse for Perfect Baking Results, Easy Mixing & Kneading/Black/BKM-08L
شراء Techno Best Kitchen Stand Mixer Machine, 1100W Power, 8L Large Capacity, Stainless Steel Bowl, 6 Speed Settings plus Pulse for Perfect Baking Results, Easy Mixing & Kneading/Black/BKM-08L اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Techno Best Kitchen Stand Mixer Machine, 1100W Power, 8L Large Capacity, Stainless Steel Bowl, 6 Speed Settings plus Pulse for Perfect Baking Results, Easy Mixing & Kneading/Black/BKM-08L
Techno Best Stand Mixer 1100 Watt 8 Liter capacity is sturdy construction ensures longevity and durability also makes your life simpler in the kitchen. It also comes with a large capacity Geared Automatic Rotating bowl, so you can forget about mixing the same ingredients in multiple stages. Molded from high-grade material to avoid chipping even through prolonged usage. Full metal gear system for perfect mixing result and heavy duty. Equipped with an anti-skid base that offers stable positioning. Ingenious circuitry allows safe and consistent current passage for optimum safety.
Sturdy ABS housing construction ensures longevity and durability
Pure copper powerful motor with overheating & overloading protection
Large Capacity 8 Liter stainless steel 304 bowl & Setting 6 speeds+Pulse
Full metal gears + Strong inner vertical struction
Anti-slip silicon pad & Low operation noiseSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتUPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
شراء UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
-Juicing, mixing and noodles, mincing meat, three-in-one, one machine can meet most kitchen needs.
-6.5L stainless steel main pot
-8835 copper clad aluminum motor, low noise operation.
-Removable transparent bowl lid with holes for adding ingredients at any time.
-Tilting head allows easy replacement of accessories. Removable all-aluminum alloy dough hook, egg beater, flat beater, spatula for easy cleaning.
-With head safety lock to ensure safe use.
Name: dough mixer/Juicer/Meat Grinder
Voltage: 220-240V
Power: 1300W
Motor: 8835 Copper Clad Aluminum Motor
Box gauge (L*W*H): 61.5*31*41.5CM
1*dough mixer/Juicer/Meat Grinder
1*Glass Jar
1*Knead noodles
1*aluminum alloy dough hook
1*aluminum alloy mixer
1*stainless steel egg beater
1. This product is measured manually, there is certain error, please refer to the actual size.
2. This photo was taken under natural light. Please understand that there is a slight chromatic aberration between the device and the display.
★【3 IN 1 FUNCTION】The machine can be used for juicing, mixing and dough, grinding meat, and meets most of the requirements in the kitchen.
★【MULTIFUNCTIONAL STAND MIXER】with a flat beater for daily use, a dough hook for kneading heavy dough (like pasta or bread) and a whisk for high speed whipping (meringue or cream), but additionally fitted with a blender and a meat grinder accessory, ideal for making sausages and kebbe.
★【6-SPEED WITH PULSE FUNCTION】There is a LED control panel with 1-6 speed button and a ‘P’ pulse button. You can choose from a slow stir to a fast mix, perfectly suitable for different recipes. (Used for rinsing the juicer cups or making smoothies).
★【WHIZZ THROUGH ANY KITCHEN TASK】The ultimate versatile kitchen machine for any passionate cook features an electric powered free standing mixer combined with a standing blender. Multi-task with ease as you create everything from soups & smoothies to homemade cake mixtures and burgers.
★【100% SATISFACTION SERVICE】If you have any questions, please contact us. We will get back to you within 24 hours.Don’t hesitate to browse to the top and click “Add to Cart” to buy this amazing quality product right away!SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتVINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
شراء VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
Product description
【Coffee Drip Set】 suitable for coffee beginners and coffee lovers drip set V60
【Easy to Use】Coffee Drip kit V60 easy to use and wash A set suitable for all your daily needs, suitable for office, home, trips and travel
【Coffee Set Consisting of】A digital coffee scale, a water jug for drip coffee, paper filters for filtering coffee, a glass drip coffee server, a stainless steel coffee grinder, a glass drip funnel suitable for all V60 filters
【Products Description】Natural brown paper filters, large size, enough from 1 to 4 cups, heat-resistant glass drip server, size 600 ml, medium size, enough from 1 to 4 cups. A distillation jug with a handle and a convenient spout for distilling water, the size of 350 ml.
【Quality Promise】Customer First.“Giftable, Durable and Value for money.”This is VINNYSEN. VINNYSEN is recognized by most customers. We provide the best shopping experience for every customer. for 24 months after the date of purchase, we take care of all quality-related issues with a REPLACEMENT or a FULL REFUND. Thank you for your attention to our brand VINNYSEN. Please feel free to contact us and give us your suggestions.
VINNYSEN Brand Has Been Registered Saudi TrademarkSKU: n/a