عرض 25–48 من أصل 1003 نتائج
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Geepas Chapathi Maker – Gcm6125, Silver
شراء Geepas Chapathi Maker – Gcm6125, Silver اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Geepas Chapathi Maker – Gcm6125, Silver
Product Features:
- Brand: Geepas
- Model Number: GCM6125
- Type: Crepe Makers
- Variable Temperature Setting: Yes
- Digital Control: No
- Indication Lights: Yes
- Color: Silver
- Material: Stainless Steel
- Shipping Weight: 3 Kg
- Has non-stick coating
Brand: Geepas
Chappathi Maker
NoSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
GSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجة
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتGSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجة
شراء GSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجة اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج GSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجة
GSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجةدلائل الميزات شواية، مروحة، إضاءة داخلية، صينية الفتات شواية، مروحة، إضاءة داخلية، صينية الفتات 4 أعمدة تسخين من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 4 أعمدة تسخين من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ لون أسود، بمقبض فولاذي لون أسود، بمقبض فولاذي 3 مقابض، درجة حرارة 100-250 درجة مئوية 3 مقابض، درجة حرارة 100-250 درجة مئوية مؤقت 60 دقيقة مؤقت 60 دقيقة
GSEO48GQ فرن كهربائي جنرال سوبريم سعة 48 لتر 2000 واط 60 هيرتز 3 مفاتيح تحكم 100-250 درجةدلائل الميزات شواية، مروحة، إضاءة داخلية، صينية الفتات شواية، مروحة، إضاءة داخلية، صينية الفتات 4 أعمدة تسخين من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ 4 أعمدة تسخين من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ لون أسود، بمقبض فولاذي لون أسود، بمقبض فولاذي 3 مقابض، درجة حرارة 100-250 درجة مئوية 3 مقابض، درجة حرارة 100-250 درجة مئوية مؤقت 60 دقيقة مؤقت 60 دقيقةSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
GSGQ75GC شاشة 75 بوصه كيوليد (4K-UHD)، سمارت جوجل تي في، 144 هرتز
شراء GSGQ75GC شاشة 75 بوصه كيوليد (4K-UHD)، سمارت جوجل تي في، 144 هرتز اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج GSGQ75GC شاشة 75 بوصه كيوليد (4K-UHD)، سمارت جوجل تي في، 144 هرتز
يمنحك الميكروويف جينرال سوبريم المزود بوظيفة الشواء طريقة مريحة وخالية من المتاعب لطهي طعامك من خلال 8 قوائم طهي تلقائية و 5 مستويات طاقة قابلة للتعديل. مزودة بخاصية الذاكرة. قفل أمان للأطفال شكل فضي أنيق بالإضافة إلى ديكور من الاستانلس ستيل. المؤقت لمدة 95 دقيقة خاصية الإذابة حسب الوزن أو الوقت مقبض باب مصنوع من الستانلس ستيل مع سعة 30 لترًا، يعتبر فرن الميكروويف هذا مثاليًا لاحتياجات الطبخ اليومية. يعكس مثل المرآة. الجسم الداخلي مطلي باللون الرمادي والجسم الخارجي مطلي باللون الفضي. لوح زجاجي دوار: 315 ملم
5 مستويات طاقة.
8 قوائم طبخ تلقائية
مقبض باب مصنوع من الستانلس ستيل
قفل أمان للأطفالSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
GSWM6491 غسالة جيباس سعة 18 كيلو، تحميل علوي، ابيض، 18.0 كيلوجرام
- رقم الشركة المصنعة: 6294015503722
- رقم الموديل: GSWM6491
- الرقم التعريفي للمنتج الخارجي: 6294015503722
- السعة: 18 كغم
- العلامة التجارية: جيباس
- الخامة: بلاستيك
- عدد برامج الغسيل: برامج متعددة
- وزن الشحن: 16 كغم
- نوع الرقم التعريفي للمنتج الخارجي: نظام الترقيم الأوروبي للبضائع-13
- نوع التحميل: تعبئة من الأعلى
- اللون: أبيض
الرقم المصنعي : 6294015503722
Model Number : GSWM6491
External Product ID : 6294015503722
السعة : 18 كيلو
العلامة التجارية : جيباس
المادة : بلاستيك
عدد برامج الغسيل : null
وزن الشحن : 16 كغ
نوع معرف المنتج الخارجي : EAN-13
نوع التحميل : تحميل من الاعلىSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Ice Maker, Portable 15kg Ice Cube Machine for Home, 9 Cubes Ready in 8 Mins, 2 Different Sizes of Bullet Ice, Low Noise And Intelligent Touch Control for Home, Kitchen, Office, Party
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتIce Maker, Portable 15kg Ice Cube Machine for Home, 9 Cubes Ready in 8 Mins, 2 Different Sizes of Bullet Ice, Low Noise And Intelligent Touch Control for Home, Kitchen, Office, Party
أبعاد المنتج : 80 x 60 x 50 سم; 8,56 كيلو غرام
تاريخ توفر أول منتج : 2023 سبتمبر 18
الشركة المصنعة : TDOO
مرجع الشركة المصنعة : 6660FGNU-SH-SAFast Ice Maker: Ice maker only takes 8 minutes to make 9 bullet-shaped ice cubes; Fill 1.4L of water into the water tank and can store 60 ice cubes
2 Sizes of Ice Cubes: Ice cube maker has two sizes, suitable for the production of various beverages; Choose the one you need and get ice cubes really quick
Quiet And User Friendly: When making ice cubes, the noise very low, similar to a working refrigerator; The transparent lid allows you to monitor the ice capacity
Intelligent Reminder: When the water is insufficient or the ice basket is full, the sensor automatically and indicator light will turn on to stops producing to prevent overflowing
Easy To Control: The control panel is very easy to operate; Fill the ice maker with water, press the ON button, select the size of the ice cubes wait a moment and ice will come outSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
KD HOME التقليدية تايياكي عموم كعكة على شكل سمكة وافل صانع خبز الفطائر. صانع حلوى سريع وسهل. طهي ما يصل إلى 4 عجينة معجنات. الطبخ المنزلي، أسود، الألومنيوم
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتKD HOME التقليدية تايياكي عموم كعكة على شكل سمكة وافل صانع خبز الفطائر. صانع حلوى سريع وسهل. طهي ما يصل إلى 4 عجينة معجنات. الطبخ المنزلي، أسود، الألومنيوم
ماكينة صنع تاياكي التقليدية من يوتوكسيا
حلوى آسيوية تقليدية
4 فتحات وافل
[آمنة وسهلة]: تحتوي ماكينة صنع الوافل هذه على 4 صواني مصنوعة من مواد عالية الجودة. المقبض غير لاصق والمنتج نفسه مصنوع من مواد غير سامة وآمنة للاستخدام.
[فكرة حلوى مثالية]: اصنع تاياكي ليس فقط باستخدام معجون الفاصوليا الحمراء الحلوة ولكن أيضًا مع زبدة الفول السوداني أو الشوكولاتة أو أي معجون شراب آخر! كن مبدعًا!
[التعليمات]: 1. اخلطي دقيق الكيك 5.5 اونصة وملعقة كبيرة من مسحوق الخبز وبيضة واحدة وحليب 180 مل وسكر 1.4 اونصة و8.8 اونصة من تسوبو-ان. 2. قم بتسخين المقلاة ودهنها بالزيت. 3. املأ نصف المقلاة بالمزيج، وأضف معجون الفاصوليا الحمراء واطهيها. (تأكد من قلب المقلاة لكلا الجانبين!)
[التنظيف]: امسحها بمنشفة مبللة للحصول على الفتات والشحوم، وامسحها مرة أخرى بمنشفة جافة. سريع وبسيط، أليس كذلك؟
[أحضرها إلى أي مكان]: هذا صانع الوجبات الخفيفة الصغير المثالي عندما تذهب للتخييم وبعد ممارسة الرياضة وعندما يكون لديك صحبة، بل إنه خيار رائع للحلوىSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
KNF6111 كريبتون مروحة حائط 16 بوصه، عدد المنافذ: 5، متعدد الالوان، 60.0 واط
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتKNF6111 كريبتون مروحة حائط 16 بوصه، عدد المنافذ: 5، متعدد الالوان، 60.0 واط
مروحة حائط قياس 16 انش
محرك نحاسي عالي الأداء بنسبة 100% هادئ مع صمام كهربائي
3 سرعات
5 شفرات
تصميم متدفق ومتنقل
حماية ذاتية عند التسخين الزائد
يمكنه أن يجتاز اختبار درجة الحرارة الاستوائية
حركة أفقية بزاوية واسعة
تيار متردد 220 – 240 فولت، 50 – 60 هرتز 60 واط
وزن الحزمة : 5
عدد السرعات : 3
مروحة خالية من الشفرات : لا
نوع المروحة : مراوح للجدار
اللون : متعدد الالوان
نوع معرف المنتج الخارجي : EAN-13
مصدر الطاقة : كهرباءSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
MIBRU 10 Pack V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set Include USB Cordless Rechargeable Coffee Grinder and Coffee scale with Timer,Kettle with thermometer,Coffee Portable Travel Bag, Drip Coffee Maker Set
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتMIBRU 10 Pack V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set Include USB Cordless Rechargeable Coffee Grinder and Coffee scale with Timer,Kettle with thermometer,Coffee Portable Travel Bag, Drip Coffee Maker Set
شراء MIBRU 10 Pack V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set Include USB Cordless Rechargeable Coffee Grinder and Coffee scale with Timer,Kettle with thermometer,Coffee Portable Travel Bag, Drip Coffee Maker Set اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج MIBRU 10 Pack V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set Include USB Cordless Rechargeable Coffee Grinder and Coffee scale with Timer,Kettle with thermometer,Coffee Portable Travel Bag, Drip Coffee Maker Set
MIBRU 10 Pack V60 Pour Over Coffee Maker Set Include USB Cordless Rechargeable Coffee Grinder and Coffee scale with Timer,Kettle with thermometer,Coffee Portable Travel Bag, Drip Coffee Maker Set
Specialty coffee preparation kit V60, a package of 10 distilled coffee tools, with an electric coffee grinder and a specialty coffee bag
Coffee Grinder Electric, Small Cordless Coffee Grinder Mini with Multi Grind Setting, Portable Coffee Bean Grinder Automatic for Camping/Drip/Espresso USBمطحنة قهوة
Pour Over Coffee Kettle Hand Drip Coffee Pot Wooden Handle Kettle For Kitchen Pour Over Coffee Tea 600ml ابريق ترشيح
Coffee Filter 50 pcs, Coffee Filter Paper V60 Unbleached Disposable Coffee Filters Paper for Pour Over and Drip Coffee Maker (2-4 Cups)فلاتر قهوة
Coffee Scale With Timer | Kitchen Scale | Pour Over V60 Drip Coffee | Digital scale with LCD display for coffee cooking baking Waterproof Mat 0.3-3000Gميزان الكتروني
MIBRU Coffee Cleaning Set 4 in 1 Espresso coffee tools coffee machine professional coffee set Barista coffee tables cleaning coffee ادوات باريستا
MIBRU V60 Coffee Server | Heat Resistant Glass Pot | Pour Over Coffee Tea Server | Kettle Coffee Maker Teapot | Hand Drip Pour Over Coffee Maker 600mlسيرفر ابريق زجاجي
Coffee Glass Dripper with wooded Method V60 size 02 from 1 to 4 cups قمع تقطير
Specialty coffee bag drip coffee tools bag Black شنطة قهوة / Set of 2 ceramic specialty coffee cups كوب قهوة
【Applicable scene】: Coffee Drip Kit V60 Easy to use and wash A set suitable for all your daily needs, suitable for office, home, trips and travel.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Moonman Impulse Heat Sealer Manual Bags Sealer Heat Sealing Machine Impulse Sealer Machine for Plastic Bags PE PP Bags – 300mm
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتMoonman Impulse Heat Sealer Manual Bags Sealer Heat Sealing Machine Impulse Sealer Machine for Plastic Bags PE PP Bags – 300mm
شراء Moonman Impulse Heat Sealer Manual Bags Sealer Heat Sealing Machine Impulse Sealer Machine for Plastic Bags PE PP Bags – 300mm اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Moonman Impulse Heat Sealer Manual Bags Sealer Heat Sealing Machine Impulse Sealer Machine for Plastic Bags PE PP Bags – 300mm
1.Kindly pls reading Instruction manual carefully and To adjust the temperature that you need when using it for the first time。
Higher settings don’t necessarily always mean a stronger seal.
We recommend starting low and gradually increasing your settings from 2.5-4.5 temperature grade for the different thick bags,it’s better don’t exceed 5 Grade temperature.2. When seal is done, the red light will go off. Keep the handle pressed down for 2-3.5 seconds to get seals optimal results.Otherwise the sealing place will be not smooth.
3.Do not use wet cloth to clean the surface of heat sealing strip,after 30 minutes of continuous use, try to let the machine rest about 3 minutes.
4.Level 3.5-4.5 is enough for most applications.
No warm up time needed, Lightweight Design. 8 stalls temperature adjustme impulse manual hand bag sealer to meet any different Aluminum foil bag, Kraft paper bag,PP and PE bags
Built-in fuse for safe using, Easy to use and to clean,ideal for household, retail, produce, grocery Stores, and industrial sealing with a certain quality superiority.It’s can’t cut anything,just good to seal PP and PE bags.
Energy Conservation Manual Impulse Sealer,Non-Toxic, Odorless, Durable, Reinforced and Compression,could seal more than 10000 bags.
High Quality of Plates – In order to ensure customer satisfaction, our workers strictly detect each product. Plates are thick and rigid and won’t fold while carrying food. Napkins are soft and absorbent–a pleasure to use.
Quality GUARANTEE- If you have any question, please send us email via Amazon, we will reply within 24 hours.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Nikai 400 Watts, 10 Speed Stand Mixer with Pulse, Dough Hook, Beaters & Whisk, 3.5 Liter Capacity Bowl with Cover NSM350A
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتNikai 400 Watts, 10 Speed Stand Mixer with Pulse, Dough Hook, Beaters & Whisk, 3.5 Liter Capacity Bowl with Cover NSM350A
شراء Nikai 400 Watts, 10 Speed Stand Mixer with Pulse, Dough Hook, Beaters & Whisk, 3.5 Liter Capacity Bowl with Cover NSM350A اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Nikai 400 Watts, 10 Speed Stand Mixer with Pulse, Dough Hook, Beaters & Whisk, 3.5 Liter Capacity Bowl with Cover NSM350A
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝘂𝗺 3.𝟱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗹 𝗕𝗼𝘄𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗖𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿: Elevate your cooking game with the Nikai Stand Mixer’s high-quality SUS304 stainless steel bowl. A spacious 6.5L capacity, complete with a protective cover, provides ample room for your culinary creations, whether it’s for family meals or festive gatherings. 𝗘𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁 5-𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗣𝘂𝗹𝘀𝗲 𝗙𝘂𝗻𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Achieve precise control over your mixing tasks using the 10-speed settings and the pulse function. From gentle folding to vigorous kneading, this mixer empowers you to tailor your approach to various recipes, ensuring optimal results every time. 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝟯 𝗠𝗶𝘅𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗖𝘂𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆: Unleash your culinary creativity with three distinct mixing blades. The dough hook tackles tough doughs, the mixer beater ensures uniform blending, and the egg whisk lets you aerate ingredients perfectly. Prepare a diverse range of dishes effortlessly. 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗠𝗶𝘅𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Embrace thorough mixing with the planetary action feature. The attachment moves in multiple directions simultaneously, ensuring all ingredients are combined evenly. Say goodbye to lumps and uneven mixtures, and welcome consistent outcomes. 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗗𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝘁 𝗗𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺: The double belt driving system in the Nikai mixer guarantees efficient power transmission and extended durability. This design not only optimizes the mixing process but also enhances the appliance’s longevity, making it a reliable kitchen companion. 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿-𝗣𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗟𝗼𝘄 𝗡𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗲: Experience a strong motor that delivers exceptional performance while keeping noise levels to a minimum. This low-noise design ensures a comfortable cooking environment without compromising on mixing power. 𝗗𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗔𝗕𝗦 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝘆: Crafted with a durable ABS body, the Nikai mixer is built to withstand the demands of your kitchen adventures. It’s designed for lasting performance, making it a dependable partner for all your culinary endeavors. 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘆: Your purchase is backed by a 2-year manufacturer’s guarantee, and you can further extend this protection by an extra month when you conveniently register the product online through Nikai Customer Care. We’re committed to ensuring your satisfaction and product peace of mind.
SUS304 Grade Stainless Steel Bowl
High Quality ABS Body, 10 Speed With Pulse Model
3 Attachments Dough Hook, Mixer Beater and Egg Whisk
3.5 Liter Bowl Capacity, With Bowl Cover
Dishwasher SafeSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتPerfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
شراء Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Perfin Electric Gooseneck Kettle 1L 1000W Water Kettle for Pour-over Coffee & Tea, 304 Stainless Steel Coffee and Tea Pot, Constant Temperature Coffee Kettle(White) (White)
Elevate Your Brewing Experience Precise Pouring Design: Experience controlled and precise pouring with the unique gooseneck spout design, enhancing the flavor and aroma of your coffee or tea. Customizable Temperature Settings: Choose from a wide range of temperature settings (113°F to 212°F) to suit your brewing preferences, ensuring optimal results for various beverages. Premium Stainless Steel Construction: Crafted from food-grade 304 stainless steel, this kettle guarantees durability, safety, and easy maintenance. The sleek exterior features volcanic rock spray paint technology for an elegant finish. Advanced Safety Features: Equipped with multiple protection modes, including auto shut-off, dry boiling protection, and protection against electric shock, ensuring a safe and worry-free brewing experience. Efficient Fast Boiling: Powered by a 1000W heating element, this kettle rapidly boils water in just 3-5 minutes, making it ideal for daily use. With a generous 1000ml capacity, it’s perfect for both personal and group brewing sessions. Specifications: Item Type: Pour Coffee Pot Material: 304 stainless steel Power: 1000W Capacity: 1000ml Packing List: 1 x Pour Coffee Maker
Efficient Fast Boiling: Powered by a 1000W heating element, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle rapidly boils water in just 3-5 minutes, offering remarkable efficiency and time-saving convenience. Its generous 1L capacity caters to daily use, making it an indispensable companion for your coffee or tea brewing rituals. For any inquiries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Precise Pouring Design: Crafted with a distinctive gooseneck spout, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle ensures a slow, controlled, and precise flow of water, enhancing the flavor and aroma of your coffee or tea. Perfect for pour-over brewing methods like V60, its ergonomic handle guarantees a firm grip for effortless and precise pouring every time.
Customizable Temperature Settings: With temperature settings ranging from 113°F to 212°F, our kettle offers two adjustment modes, enabling you to select the perfect temperature with ease. Whether brewing delicate white tea or robust coffee, the 24-hour constant temperature function ensures optimal results, accommodating a variety of beverages including milk powder, green tea, and oolong tea.
Premium Stainless Steel Construction: Engineered with food-grade 304 stainless steel, our Electric Gooseneck Kettle promises durability, safety, and easy maintenance. The full-body stainless steel construction, coupled with volcanic rock spray paint technology on the exterior, delivers an elegant and durable finish, making it both aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting.
Advanced Safety Features: Prioritizing your safety, our water kettle is equipped with multiple protection mechanisms. It automatically shuts off when water reaches the desired temperature, preventing dry boiling and ensuring safe operation. Additionally, it features protection against electric shock upon contact, providing peace of mind during use.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Philips Electric Kettle 1.2 Litre – Stainless Steel – HD9303/03
شراء Philips Electric Kettle 1.2 Litre – Stainless Steel – HD9303/03 اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Philips Electric Kettle 1.2 Litre – Stainless Steel – HD9303/03
Daily Collection: 1.2 liter 1800 W, Stainless steel.
1.2 liter
1800 W
Stainless steel
Power cable length adjustable as required for easy storage
Easy filling and cleaningSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
SKGULE Personal Mini Handheld Kittie Fan, 2 in 1 Makeup Eyelash Fan with LED Night Light, USB Rechargeable Battery Operated Portable Hand Held Fan for Outdoor Activity, Home, Office(Pink)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSKGULE Personal Mini Handheld Kittie Fan, 2 in 1 Makeup Eyelash Fan with LED Night Light, USB Rechargeable Battery Operated Portable Hand Held Fan for Outdoor Activity, Home, Office(Pink)
شراء SKGULE Personal Mini Handheld Kittie Fan, 2 in 1 Makeup Eyelash Fan with LED Night Light, USB Rechargeable Battery Operated Portable Hand Held Fan for Outdoor Activity, Home, Office(Pink) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج SKGULE Personal Mini Handheld Kittie Fan, 2 in 1 Makeup Eyelash Fan with LED Night Light, USB Rechargeable Battery Operated Portable Hand Held Fan for Outdoor Activity, Home, Office(Pink)
Do you suffer from hot, sudden flushes? Are ceiling and mobile fans either too far away or not directional enough?
Look no further than handheld desktop fan let you say goodbye to hot flashes, sweating, and flushing.Desk Fans Product Information:
-Battery Capacity:1200mAh
-Working time:1.5-3 hours
-Materials:ABS,Electronic component
-Motor Rotation Speed:3000 RPM
-Weight:0.45 lb
-Package Dimension:7×4.3×1.5 inchesMini Fans Features:
-Cartoon design of handheld & desk fan,You can bring the portable fan to everywhere. Packs perfect for vacation.
Works amazing if you’re outside reading or sitting in the sun or waiting line, hiking. You can put it on the desk when you are studying, working, make up, sleep.
-Switch between fan and night light with one button.Strong wind and low noise, enjoy the cooling wind without disturbing others.
-USB rechargeable, charging from computer, power band, or USB charger.That is really great because you don’t have to worry about buying new batteries every so often.
-Perfect desk fan for drying the eyelash extensions, skin care and makeup setting spray!Package Included:
-Hand-held Fan×1
-USB Charging Cable×1Warm Tip:
The product only contains 10%-30% of the power, it is recommended to use it after fully charged.
Try not to use USB to connect the charging head of the mobile phone for charging to prevent the power of the charging head of the mobile phone from being too high, and directly connect the power supply through USB.
★【Multi-Function Handheld Fan】: This cartoon personal fan is a mini portable fan, cute kawaii design can be used as lash fan dryer for eyelash extensions. It can bring you comfort and cool in hot summer; In winter, you don’t need to collect it like other fans. Surprisingly, it is still a small night light, which is convenient for you to sleep and brings you comfortable and stable sleep!
★【Small Size & Unique Design】: The mini hand-held fan is 7 * 4.3 * 1.5 inches in size and weighs only 0.45 pounds. It can be easily carried in a pocket or bag; this kind of cartoon modeling makes it a desktop fashion ornament; It has a base and can be used not only as a hand-held fan, but also as a desktop fan, which frees your hands.
★【Mini Fan, Strong Wind】: Through the unique three blades and the repeated adjustment of front, side and rear grill, the features of strong wind and low noise are realized. The speed of the micro fan can reach 3000rmp/min, which is very strong, and can produce strong wind to cool down rapidly. It can be controlled by one key, and then switch to LED light once. In hot summer, it is the perfect partner for you to keep cool.
★【Rechargeable Battery & USB Powered】: Operated by a 1200mAh rechargeable battery, the hand battery fan is lightweight and portable. After fully charged, the hand held fan can last for 1.5-3 hours. This is also a USB fan compatible with universal USB devices port, you can charge it by power bank, PC / laptop, vehicle USB, etc.
★【Widely Use and Perfect Gift in Summer】: Cooling fan in hot summer. When you go out, you can carry it in your bag. Especially suitable for summer travel and outdoor sports. You can take it anywhere, such as when traveling outdoors/ in your home office. A perfect gift for kids, teens, adults, family and friends.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Sorandy 5 PCS Waveguide Cover, Universal Microwave Oven Mica Plate Sheet, Microwave Oven Repairing Replacement Part for Home Kitchen Office Restaurant Microwave Replacement Accessory
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSorandy 5 PCS Waveguide Cover, Universal Microwave Oven Mica Plate Sheet, Microwave Oven Repairing Replacement Part for Home Kitchen Office Restaurant Microwave Replacement Accessory
شراء Sorandy 5 PCS Waveguide Cover, Universal Microwave Oven Mica Plate Sheet, Microwave Oven Repairing Replacement Part for Home Kitchen Office Restaurant Microwave Replacement Accessory اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Sorandy 5 PCS Waveguide Cover, Universal Microwave Oven Mica Plate Sheet, Microwave Oven Repairing Replacement Part for Home Kitchen Office Restaurant Microwave Replacement Accessory
From the brand
“No business too small, no problem too big” is more than a slogan for us, it is a principle guiding our business philosophy and services.
“No business too small, no problem too big” To go above and beyond to satisfy orders, irrespective of their size, and grapple with problems, no matter their magnitude.
Welcome to Sorandy, where your satisfaction is our greatest aspiration.
There Is A Great Variety
Find What You Need!
Wide range of applications and has long service life
Suitable for using in home appliances such as electric hair-dryer toaster microwave oven warmer etc
It prevents the efficiency of the microwave oven from being reduced
Good high temperature excellent insulating propertiesSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Sumkyle Air Purifier for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSumkyle Air Purifier for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
Air Purifiers for Home Large Room HEPA Washable Filter Air Cleaner with 3 Speed & Low Noise for Bedroom Remove Dust, Pet Dander, Smoke,Pollen
【Versatile Room Coverage】Perfect for living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. Covers 32 square meters in just 10 minutes. Ideal for new homes, households with smokers, allergy sufferers, pet owners, families with elderly, children, and pregnant women, as well as poorly ventilated offices.
【4-stage filtration system】Features a washable pre-filter to filter out large particles like lint and fur; a high-efficiency activated carbon filter to filter out toxic fumes and unpleasant odors; and a HEPA filter to capture any size 0.3 micron (μm).
【3 Speed Adjustment Modes】Purification/sleep/automatic modes, combined with three-speed wind speeds of low/medium/high, can better adapt to your life or work environment.The noise level is as low as 33.4 decibels, which will not keep you awake all night.
【Easy to Carry & Use】Extra large clear touch display. You can set the timer for automatic shutdown at any time. Automatically perform air detection and display air volume, temperature, wind speed, etc.
【Large Area Air Outlet】Increasing the air outlet area can quickly and effectively clean the air.Use solid ABS as the body material. It has strong thermal insulation and is very sturdy and durable.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتSupvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
شراء Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Supvox 1.6L Electric Cooker,Mini Multi Cooker with Steam Cooker,Non-Stick Mini Electric Cooker,2-Power Setting with Over-Heating Protection,Portable Multipurpose Hot Pot for Traveling
Product description
Dual Power Setting
The 1.6L multi cooker electric kettle, featuring dual power settings, offers convenient adjustment for diverse cooking needs. The 350W setting is perfect for making soup, porridge, oatmeal, and boiling eggs, while switching to the high power- 650W setting efficiently boils water for noodles, pasta, dumplings, or hot pot.
Compact Size
The electric multipurpose cooker hot pot is a versatile kitchen essential, replacing multiple gadgets to simplify weekday cooking. From hassle-free meal prep with rice cookers to swift food preparation at the office, this widely used electric multi cooker adapts seamlessly.
Dual Power Safety
The rice cooker with steamer features advanced safety measures, including overheating and boil dry protection, automatically shutting off when the temperature exceeds the set limit or when there’s insufficient water inside the multipurpose electric cooker.
【DUAL POWER SETTING】The new model of multi cooker electric kettle 1.6L, equipped with the dual power setting (350W & 650W), mini electric cooker is convenient for adjusting to satisfy your needs. Rice cooker electric with the 350W power setting can make soup, porridge, oatmeal and boil eggs. Electric cooking pot for cooking noodles, pasta, dumplings or having hot pot, you can switch electric pot to high power(650W)setting to boil the water faster.
【PORTABLE SIZE YOUR TRAVEL COMPANION】The electric multipurpose cooker hot pot can replace a variety of common kitchen gadgets and transform your weekday cooking, rice cookers making meal prep hassle-free. Electric multi cooker with widely used. Bringing small cooker for baby food to your office on weekday to prepare your food rapidly. Mini cooker for kids for people who love traveling and camping can use this electric hot to cook with local ingredients or prepare a meal suit your diet.
【FOOD-GRADE INNER POT WITH EATING HEALTHY】The interior of electrical cooker is made of durable food-grade stainless steel and the cover of thermal cooker is made of thickening tempered plastic, ensuring theres no contamination to your food, caring your health. The double-wall design of multi cooker kettle can avoid slip and you can be rest assured to hold cooking kettle without being scalded.
【DUAL SAFETY FEATURES】Rice cooker with steamer equipped with overheating protection and boil dry protection technology, the multipurpose electric cooker will shut itself off when the temperature is over the selected value or theres no water inside the multicooker electric cooker.
【MULTI COOKER KETTLE SAVE YOUR TIME】Cooking pot with lid is perfect cooking pot for making a quick and healthy meal for yourself, kids, families. Electric hot pot with cup handle design, after finishing the cook, you can just use the small electric cooker as a bowl. This multi purpose electric cooker saving the hassel of cleaning dishes, suitable for students, office worker, anyone who is enjoying the single life.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتTbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
شراء Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج Tbest Meat Grinder Blade, Meat Grinder Replacement Parts, Meat Grinder Cutter Knife Replacement Household Meat Grinder Stainless Steel Meat Breaker Plate Blade Cutting Parts for Meat Grinder (46mm)
1. Adopts stainless steel, strong and sharp, safe and durable to use.
2. All surfaces are non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly.
3. Easy and convenient to install.
4. Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
5. Perfect cutter so you can get minced meat quickly.Specification:
Made of stainless steel, strong and sharp, safe and durable to use.
All surfaces are non-toxic, safe and environmentally friendly.
Easy and convenient installation.
Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
Perfect cutter so you can get minced meat quickly.
Material: stainless steel.
Colour: silver.
L: 54 x 54 x 5 mm / 2.1 x 2.1 x 0.2 inches (approx.). S: 46 x 46 x 5 mm / 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.2 inches (approx.) Pore Diameter: 8.2-8.3mm/0.32-0.33″ (Approx.)
Package includes:
1 x meat cutter.
Please keep the sharp blades away from children.
Superior Durability Our meat slicer for meat bow is made of high quality stainless steel made of stainless steel, ensuring the strength and sharpness.
Non-toxic and environmentally friendly surfaces: all surfaces used in our cutting blade stainless steel knife cutter replacement are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It is designed for easy and convenient installation.
EFFORTLESS CLEANING & DISHWASHER SAFE Cleaning up after using our meat slicer is a breeze. It is easy to clean and can be safely placed in the dishwasher.
FAST MEAT REDUCTION Our meat grinder knife blade cutter is the perfect tool that allows you to quickly and efficiently reach chopped meat.
Sale Guarantee:We will strictly undergo before delivery. If you have any problems for this meat grinder plate blade, please contact us at any time. We will answer you and offer you a satisfaction solution.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتUPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
شراء UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج UPIKIT 3 in 1 Stand Mixer,6.5l Dough Mixer,1300w,6-Speed Speed Regulation + Pulse, With Dough Hook/Whisk(Juicing, Kneading Noodles, Grinding Meat),White
-Juicing, mixing and noodles, mincing meat, three-in-one, one machine can meet most kitchen needs.
-6.5L stainless steel main pot
-8835 copper clad aluminum motor, low noise operation.
-Removable transparent bowl lid with holes for adding ingredients at any time.
-Tilting head allows easy replacement of accessories. Removable all-aluminum alloy dough hook, egg beater, flat beater, spatula for easy cleaning.
-With head safety lock to ensure safe use.
Name: dough mixer/Juicer/Meat Grinder
Voltage: 220-240V
Power: 1300W
Motor: 8835 Copper Clad Aluminum Motor
Box gauge (L*W*H): 61.5*31*41.5CM
1*dough mixer/Juicer/Meat Grinder
1*Glass Jar
1*Knead noodles
1*aluminum alloy dough hook
1*aluminum alloy mixer
1*stainless steel egg beater
1. This product is measured manually, there is certain error, please refer to the actual size.
2. This photo was taken under natural light. Please understand that there is a slight chromatic aberration between the device and the display.
★【3 IN 1 FUNCTION】The machine can be used for juicing, mixing and dough, grinding meat, and meets most of the requirements in the kitchen.
★【MULTIFUNCTIONAL STAND MIXER】with a flat beater for daily use, a dough hook for kneading heavy dough (like pasta or bread) and a whisk for high speed whipping (meringue or cream), but additionally fitted with a blender and a meat grinder accessory, ideal for making sausages and kebbe.
★【6-SPEED WITH PULSE FUNCTION】There is a LED control panel with 1-6 speed button and a ‘P’ pulse button. You can choose from a slow stir to a fast mix, perfectly suitable for different recipes. (Used for rinsing the juicer cups or making smoothies).
★【WHIZZ THROUGH ANY KITCHEN TASK】The ultimate versatile kitchen machine for any passionate cook features an electric powered free standing mixer combined with a standing blender. Multi-task with ease as you create everything from soups & smoothies to homemade cake mixtures and burgers.
★【100% SATISFACTION SERVICE】If you have any questions, please contact us. We will get back to you within 24 hours.Don’t hesitate to browse to the top and click “Add to Cart” to buy this amazing quality product right away!SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتVINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
شراء VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج VINNYSEN V60 Coffee Drip Kit Drip Set, 7 Pieces Specialty Coffee Set Professional Coffee Maker Tools Barista Drip Coffee Kit (7PCS)
Product description
【Coffee Drip Set】 suitable for coffee beginners and coffee lovers drip set V60
【Easy to Use】Coffee Drip kit V60 easy to use and wash A set suitable for all your daily needs, suitable for office, home, trips and travel
【Coffee Set Consisting of】A digital coffee scale, a water jug for drip coffee, paper filters for filtering coffee, a glass drip coffee server, a stainless steel coffee grinder, a glass drip funnel suitable for all V60 filters
【Products Description】Natural brown paper filters, large size, enough from 1 to 4 cups, heat-resistant glass drip server, size 600 ml, medium size, enough from 1 to 4 cups. A distillation jug with a handle and a convenient spout for distilling water, the size of 350 ml.
【Quality Promise】Customer First.“Giftable, Durable and Value for money.”This is VINNYSEN. VINNYSEN is recognized by most customers. We provide the best shopping experience for every customer. for 24 months after the date of purchase, we take care of all quality-related issues with a REPLACEMENT or a FULL REFUND. Thank you for your attention to our brand VINNYSEN. Please feel free to contact us and give us your suggestions.
VINNYSEN Brand Has Been Registered Saudi TrademarkSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
W.BOX Silver 5 kg Top Loading Washing Machine – WBTL9S, Automatic Washing Machine – KSA
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتW.BOX Silver 5 kg Top Loading Washing Machine – WBTL9S, Automatic Washing Machine – KSA
شراء W.BOX Silver 5 kg Top Loading Washing Machine – WBTL9S, Automatic Washing Machine – KSA اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج W.BOX Silver 5 kg Top Loading Washing Machine – WBTL9S, Automatic Washing Machine – KSA
The W.BOX Top Loading Washing Machine is a 5 kg capacity appliance with a silver finish, featuring a digital screen and child lock. It has a glossy finish and is made with a metal drum for durability. This washing machine has a height and width of 565 mm and is designed for automatic operation. It is a free-standing washer-dryer combination with multiple modes, two water inlets, and a child protection lock. The machine also has a 24-hour programmable start time and a quick wash cycle option. It operates on 220 volts with an amperage of 0.33 amps and has a self-heating of water feature. The product is recommended for browsing under Appliances/Washing Machines and is suitable for grey-colored laundry.
Product Dimensions : 120 x 120 x 120 cm; 5 kg
Date First Available : 15 September 2024
Manufacturer : W.BOX
Item model number : WBTL9S
Country of origin : ChinaCapacity: 5 kilograms, suitable for washing large volumes of laundry at once
Digital Screen and Touch Controls: Easy-to-use and modern interface for convenient operation
Child Lock and 24-hour Programmable Start Time: Added safety and flexibility for busy households
Glossy Finish and Metal Drum: Durable and stylish design that complements any kitchen or laundry roomSKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
W10721967 غسالة بكرة مجموعة القابض & W10006384 حزام محرك الغسالة لدوامة ، كنمور ، يستبدل أجزاء AP5951296 ، W10536113 ، W10006352 ، W10006353 ، W10006356 ، W10315818 ، W10006354 ، W10006382
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتW10721967 غسالة بكرة مجموعة القابض & W10006384 حزام محرك الغسالة لدوامة ، كنمور ، يستبدل أجزاء AP5951296 ، W10536113 ، W10006352 ، W10006353 ، W10006356 ، W10315818 ، W10006354 ، W10006382
مجموعة قابض بكرة غسالة W10721967 مع حزام محرك غسالة W10006384 لويرلبول وكينمور/سيرز وامانا ومايتاج وانجليس وادميرال وروبر وكروسلي. ملاحظة ودية: يرجى الاطلاع على وصف الموديل الخاص بك قبل الشراء.
W10721967، مجموعة قابض بكرة الغسالة:
قطع غيار AP4514411، AP5951296، AP6014712، PS10057144، W10006356، W10315818، W10006352، W10006353، W10006354، W10006354، W100006354 6382، W10326374، W10536113، W103151967، W10721967VP.
حزام محرك الغسالة W10006384:
قطع غيار 1871380، LP13725، AH2579381، EA2579381، WPW10006384VP، PS11747978، PS2579381 وPS10057144. (إذا لم تكن متأكدًا مما إذا كان الجزء يناسب الطراز الخاص بك، فيرجى الاتصال بنا للتأكد من ملاءمته، شكرًا لك.)
نصائح التركيب:
افصل مصدر الطاقة قبل التركيب. يستغرق الأمر بضع دقائق فقط لاستبدال حزام محرك الغسالة W10721967 WPW10006384.
يمكن لهذه المجموعة البديلة حل مشاكل الغسالة التالية:
(1) تولد الغسالة الحرارة والروائح. (2) يتوقف تقليب الغسالة. لا تدور مضخة الغسالة. تتميز الغسالة بأنها صاخبة للغاية وتسبب مشاكل في الاستخدام، وتحتاج إلى استبدالها في الوقت المناسب.
قائمة محتويات العبوة:
1 × مجموعة قابض بكرة غسيل W10721967 1 * حزام محرك غسالة W10006384
يرجى ملاحظة ما يلي:
(1) استخدام اسم العلامة التجارية لأي شركة مصنعة أو رقم القطعة أو رقم طراز هذا المنتج لأغراض توضيحية وتوافق الشعار فقط، ويتم عرضه لأغراض وصفية فقط ولا يشمل ضمان قطع الغيار الأصلية. (2) يتم تصنيع قطع الغيار بواسطة اكسبلور هوم ويتم التعامل مع خدمة ما بعد البيع من قبل متجرنا، لذا لا تتردد في الاتصال بنا إذا واجهت أي مشاكل مع استخدامك للمنتج وسوف نعتني به في أقرب وقت ممكن، شكرًا.
🌞【رقم القطعة】=== مجموعة قابض بكرة الغسالة W10721967 وحزام محرك الغسالة W10006384 (الحزام 21 انش، عندما يكون الحزام ضيقًا جدًا، يمكن نقعه في الماء الساخن قبل الاستخدام) قطع الغيار مصنوعة من مواد متينة وعالية الجودة ومثالية لمطابقة الأجزاء الأصلية واستبدالها مباشرة.
🌞【مثالي لمعظم العلامات التجارية】===مناسب لويرلبول وكينمور ومايتاج وامانا وانجليس وادميرال وروبر وكروسلي. 🌞【استبدال أرقام القطع】===AP4514411، AP5951296، AP6014712، W10536113، W10315818، W10006352، W10006353، W10006354، W10006354، W10006354، W100063554، W100063554 6, W10 326374، W10006382، W103151967، W10721967VP وPS10057144.
🌞بالنسبة للموديلات التالية: WTW5000DW1, WTW5000DW2, WTW5500XW3, WTW5550XW0,WTW5550XW1,WTW5550XW2,WTW5550XW3,WTW5600XW0,110.200220 12,110.20022014,110.20102310,110.20102311,110.20102312,110.20112310,110.25102311,110.25132410,110.2 513244 11,NTW4601XQ0,NTW4605EW0,NTW4605EW1,NTW4610YQ0,NTW4630YQ0,NTW4631BQ0,CAW9244XQ1,CAW9244XQ2,CAW9244XQ4,CAW9244XQ4,CAW99 4444BWW0,WTW4850BW2,WTW4850XQ0,WTW4850XQ1,WTW4850XQ3 إلخ.
🌞【قائمة محتويات العبوة】=== 1 × مجموعة قابض بكرة غسالة W10721967 و1 × حزام محرك غسالة W10006384.
🌞【ضمان الخدمة】=== تحقق قبل التسليم، إرجاع بدون قلق، ضمان الجودة لمدة 180 يومًا واسترداد الأموال غير المشروط.SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
WB24T10153 Switch GE سويتش مفتاح الفرن الداخلي جنرال إلكتريك
شراء WB24T10153 Switch GE سويتش مفتاح الفرن الداخلي جنرال إلكتريك اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج WB24T10153 Switch GE سويتش مفتاح الفرن الداخلي جنرال إلكتريك
يسمح المفتاح الدائري WB24T10153 بالطاقة المتغيرة لعنصر تسخين السطح على الموقد الكهربائي.
أبعاد المنتج : 0,7 x 0,7 x 0,2 سم; 80 جرام
تاريخ توفر أول منتج : 2024 أغسطس 7
الشركة المصنعة : اي اي قو
رقم موديل السلعة : WB24T10153
بلد المنشأ : المملكة العربية السعوديةمفتاح فرن كهربائي WB24T10153 جي ام لعنصر تسخين السطح على الموقد.
SKU: n/a -
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونيات
YKSINX Portable Blender, Smoothie Blender, Personal Mini Blender for Shakes and Smoothies, Six Blades in 3D, 13oz 2000mAh Powerful USB Rechargeable Home Travel Fruit Juicer Cup (Black)
الأجهزة المنزلية, الإلكترونياتYKSINX Portable Blender, Smoothie Blender, Personal Mini Blender for Shakes and Smoothies, Six Blades in 3D, 13oz 2000mAh Powerful USB Rechargeable Home Travel Fruit Juicer Cup (Black)
شراء YKSINX Portable Blender, Smoothie Blender, Personal Mini Blender for Shakes and Smoothies, Six Blades in 3D, 13oz 2000mAh Powerful USB Rechargeable Home Travel Fruit Juicer Cup (Black) اون لاين من امازون او نون وحراج YKSINX Portable Blender, Smoothie Blender, Personal Mini Blender for Shakes and Smoothies, Six Blades in 3D, 13oz 2000mAh Powerful USB Rechargeable Home Travel Fruit Juicer Cup (Black)
Why does this product suit for you?
This single-serving blender should not be missing from your bag. The battery blender is lightweight and portable, as well as easy to clean. Because it is USB rechargeable, you can use it anywhere to prepare a healthy and nutritious drink that you can enjoy yourself or share with your friends and family.
Features :
Portable design
Premium 6pcs stainless-steel blades
Easy to use and efficient
Easy to clean
Ideal for smoothies, juice, and shakes
Great gift for family and friendsSpecification:
Blade: 6pcs 304 stainless steel
Volume: 380 ml/13oz
Battery Capacity: 2000mAh
Motor Model: DC3.6V
Charging Time: about 3hours
Working Times: 10-12 times
Color: Black
Weight: 1.3 lb
Size: 3x3x6”Package Included:
1*Juicer Blender
1*USB Cable
1*User Manual
1*Smoothies Recipes
1* Cleaning BrushNOTE:
1.The juicer has to charge for 3 hours before first using.
2.Please be careful of the blades when you clean it.
3.Please tighten the lid to prevent the splash.
4.Cut fruit into 1.5×1.5cm particles to prevent getting stuck on blade,
5. Please make sure the red arrow line up with switch before using.
6.Keep it away from kidsEnjoy healthy smoothies with the YKSINX battery blender!
【Multi-Function】 –Mini Cordless Blender is great for making nutritious single-portion smoothies, juice blends, mix fruits and vegetables, coffee, protein shake,milk powder, baby supplementary food .The body and bottom of the blender can be separated. In addition, we give away cleaning sponges, which can easily clean the blender. This portable blender is also the best gift for juice and travel enthusiasts,suitable for indoor and outdoor activities.
【Updated Blades with Six Blades】 –The portable blender with six blades and motor rotation speed is 15000-25,000 revolutions per minute in 3d for superb mixing ,which can effortlessly pulverizes fruits, vegetables into amazing smoothies .It doesn’t leave chunks of fruit and ice and no noisy like traditional blenders.
【USB Charge】–The USB juicer cup is equipped with 2000mAh rechargeable high quality batteries that can be recharged in a variety of ways, like charging by power bank, AC Adapter and computer. So you can take it with you anywhere. Take this on the go blender to the office, on a camping trip, or to the gym to stay hydrated and get a great vitamin boost.
【Portable Design】 –Enjoy your fresh smoothie on the go with the YKSINX single serve blender! This amazing 13 oz juice blender can help you stay healthy and enjoy your favorite smoothie everywhere that you can use as your personal smoothie cup.This compact lightweight blender is ideal for tucking into a gym bag, briefcase or purse so you always have a healthy option wherever you are.
【Safety and Healthy】 –This personal blender is made of food-grade PP ABS materials and does not contain BPA. The silicone bottom design has the function of anti-slip and shock absorption. The portable blender is designed with a magnetic safety switch, please make sure the red arrow aim to switch, which makes it very safe to use and clean.SKU: n/a